
Super-lightweight library to detect used device

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Language License Platform Documentation Pod Version Carthage Compatible

Super-lightweight library to detect used device

Device.swift extends the UIDevice class by adding a property:

var deviceType: DeviceType


Note: If you are trying to target Swift 4.2, make sure to target the swift-4.2 branch.


Add the following to your Cartfile and follow these instructions

github "schickling/Device.swift"


To integrate Device into your project add the following to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'Device.swift'


import Device
// Use import Device_swift if you're using Cocoapods

let deviceType = UIDevice.current.deviceType

switch deviceType {
case .iPhone6SPlus: print("Do stuff for iPhone6S Plus")
case .iPadMini: print("Do stuff for iPad mini")
default: print("Check other available cases of DeviceType")

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