
A C++17 (static) library which implements a few easy to use crypto routines.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This C++17 library strives to be a very small and easy to use crypto library. The API is very, very small and acts as a facade for more complex crypto libraries underneath.

This library does not implement cryptographic algorithms on its own. Instead the library acts as an intermediate between different rock solid proven implementations and tries to simplify the access to these different algorithms.

You may turn off any optional implementation but the LibTomCrypt. The library is build as a static library and LibTomCrypt is pulled in statically too. Therefore, if you link your application against these static libraries you have 0 (zero, nada) runtime dependencies.

However, if you turn on any other algorithm providers (e.g. OpenSSL), then these are most likely linked dynamically. This will result in a bunch of runtime dependencies for those libraries.


All headcode.space software follows these directives:

  1. Provide very high quality C++ software. That's the topmost goal.

  2. Provide appealing C++ software, i.e. software which is easily read and understood. Second goal.

  3. Provide software with super minimal public interfaces. I try to really provide the absolute minimum without any bloat. The users of the software should only include the main header file (e.g. #include <headcode/crypt/crypt.hpp>) and nothing else. These are self-contained and rely only on C++ standard headers. No additional 3rd party headers required. Third goal.

  4. Provide libraries and binaries with little to no runtime dependencies. Yet, linkage might require additional libraries (sometimes from headcode.space sometimes else, like OpenSSL here). Whenever possible I strive to go for the static libraries, because a) the resulting binaries when linked against these libraries have little to no runtime dependency and can be installed directly with a mere copy and b) they are smaller too, since the linkers tend to strip off stuff which is not needed.

I'm by no means perfect. There's always room for improvements and there are sure still bugs. If you have any suggestions please drop in an email at https://gitlab.com/headcode.space/crypt/-/issues.

SonarQube instance for hcs-crypt: https://sonar.ddns.headcode.space/dashboard?id=hcs-crypt.


The API (Application Programming Interface) is very, very small. Yet it manages to address all issues and is still extensible. If you search for common software engineering best pratices (e.g. S.O.L.I.D.) and software pattern (e.g. most notable Facade, Factory and many others) and C/C++ (e.g. Non Virtual Interface) idioms you'll find a lot. I do not count each and everyone. Most go by unnoticed.

At the very core is the Algorithm class. Objects of this class are

  • Initialized with some arbitrary data (see Initialize() method).
  • Process data (see Add() method), which might also create outgoing blocks of data on the fly.
  • And finally closed or finalized creating the final result (if the algorithm produces such, see Finalize() method).

Instances to algorithms are obtained by the Factory class.

  • Create() creates a particular algorithm instance.
  • GetAlgorithmDescriptions() lists all known algorithms.


And easy.

All parts of the framework, at this level, are thread-safe. However, the library acts simply as on intermediate between an application and an implementing low-level framework. So if the low-level framework is not thread-safe, and is - by chance - accessing the very same state, than the overall threading safety is likely not given too.

Usage example

"Hello World!" using this library:

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

#include <headcode/crypt/crypt.hpp>

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {

    unsigned char key[16];
    std::memcpy(key, "This is my secret key.", 16);

    unsigned char iv[16];
    std::memcpy(iv, "This is an initialization vector.", 16);

    // grab an AES 128 CBC Encryptor
    auto algorithm = headcode::crypt::Factory::Create("openssl-aes-128-cbc-encryptor");
    algorithm->Initialize({{"key", {key, 16}}, {"iv", {iv, 16}}});

    // encrypt some data (note: the input will be padded!)
    std::vector<std::byte> cipher;
    algorithm->Add("Hello World!", cipher);

    // show the cipher, should yield: "17 15 215 94 122 117 17 83 255 1 115 21 114 219 191 177" 
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cipher.size(); ++i) {
        std::cout << std::to_integer<int>(cipher[i]) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;

Command Line Client

This project ships also a small command line client: crypt:

$ crypt --help
Usage: crypt [OPTION...] ALGORITHM [FILE]
crypt -- a cryptography command line client.

ALGORITHM is one of the list of known algorithms. Type --list to get the list
of known algorithms supported. If FILE is ommited then stdin is read. If more
than one FILE is processed, than the output is multilined and hex.

Note also, that depending on the algorithm the input and therefore the output
may be padded to fitinto an algorithm block size definition.OPTIONS:

      --explain              Explain an algorithm.
  -h, --hex                  Output has hexadecimal ASCII character string.
      --list                 List all known algorithms.
      --multiline            Forces multiline output.
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message
      --version              Show version.

The tool applies the given algorithm of the input data either as files or via stdin:

$ ls *.txt
bar.txt  foo.txt
$ cat foo.txt 
This is the foo file.
$ cat bar.txt 
... and this is the bar file.
$ cat foo.txt | crypt --hex ltc-sha256
$ crypt --hex ltc-md5 *.txt
bar.txt: 527828bb40ef39d3f88041e432761220
foo.txt: 0b05785be4e6b154c50c8654a851f1e8

To see which algorithms are supported issue the --list option:

$ crypt --list
Symmetric Ciphers


And let them have explained to you:

$ crypt --explain openssl-aes-128-cbc-encryptor
Name: openssl-aes-128-cbc-encryptor
Family: Symmetric Ciphers
Brief: OpenSSL AES 128 in CBC mode (encryptor part).
Description: This is the Advanced Encryption Standard AES (also known as Rijndael) 128 Bit encryption algorithm in CBC (cipher block chaining) mode. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Cipher_block_chaining_(CBC).
Provided by: OpenSSL 1.1.1f  31 Mar 2020
Size of each input block per round: 16 Bytes
Size of each output block per round: 16 Bytes
Default input padding strategy: PKCS#5, PKCS#7
Size of final result: n/a
Initializing arguments:
    Name: iv
        Description: An initialization vector.
        Size: 16 Bytes
        Padding strategy: PKCS#5, PKCS#7
        Mandatory: yes
    Name: key
        Description: A secret shared key.
        Size: 16 Bytes
        Padding strategy: PKCS#5, PKCS#7
        Mandatory: yes
Finalizing arguments: n/a

Project layout

├── 3rd                         3rd party libraries needed (likely as git submodules).
├── cmake                       CMake additional files.
├── include                     Public header files. Add the path to this folder to your C++ search path.
│   └── headcode                
│       └── crypt               Here is the main include: <headcode/crypt/crypt.hpp>
├── src                         Main sources.
│   ├── bin                     Binary "crypt" sources, the command line client.
│   └── lib                     Static libhcs-crypt.a sources.
├── test                        Tests.
│   ├── benchmark               Benchmark tests.
│   ├── shared                  Shared test data files.
│   └── unit                    Unit tests.
├── tools                       Various tools for run-time or build-time.
│   ├── docker                  Docker builder image definitions: Dockerfiles for various platforms to build.
│   └── package                 Package related files.
├── Changes.md                  Changes file.
├── CMakeLists.txt              The overall CMakeLists.txt.
├── Doxyfile                    Doxgen API documentation configuration.
├── LICENSE.txt                 The software license.
└── README.md                   This file.



  • cmake
  • gcc (with g++) or clang (witch clang++)
  • git
  • make
  • doxygen (with graphviz)
  • googletest (as git submodule)
  • hcs-mem (as git submodule)
  • hcs-benchmark (as git submodule)
  • hcs-logger (as git submodule)
  • libtomcrypt (as git submodule)
  • libtommath (as git submodule)
  • OpenSSL (optional additional crypto provider)

When cloning this project execute the following to clone submodules as well:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

or simply clone with the --recurse-submodule option:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Native build

crypt is a cmake project with out-of-source builds in a dedicated folder, usually labeled "build".

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make


After compilation run ctest

$ cd build
$ ctest


$ cd build
$ make test

Note: Please check the test files for documentation. The tests are easy to read and tell you how the code is intended to be used.

Test Coverage

You may also run in-deep test coverage profiling. For this, you have to turn on profiling mode:

$ cd build

Then compile as usual and run the tests. After the tests make the run-gcovr target:

$ make test
$ make run-gcovr

This will give you the test coverage on stdout as well as:

  • gcovr-coverage.info: this is the coverage info file created by gcovr
  • gcovr-report.xml: this is the gcovr report file in xml
  • coverge-html: this is the folder in which detailed html info of collected coverage resides (open up the file coverage-html/index.html in a browser of your choice)

in the build folder.

Installable package creation

This project supports the creation of DEB and RPM files. This is done by specifying the CPACK_GENERATOR while configuring the project.

To create an installable DEB:

$ cd build
$ make
$ make package

To create an installable RPM:

$ cd build
$ make
$ make package

Notable guidelines

Copyright (C) 2020-2021 headcode.space e.U.
Oliver Maurhart info@headcode.space