
Dotfiles that are my own 📁

Primary LanguagePython


Dotfiles that are my own. Managed by yadm, a fancy git bare repo wrapper.

These are mainly so I can keep my dotfiles synced across my machines.

Right now I am on Pop!_Os on most machines so my config will reflect that.

Getting started

Install yadm

yadm is available in package managers.

Can also be grabbed with curl:

curl -fsSLo ~/.local/bin/yadm https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/raw/master/yadm && chmod a+x ~/.local/bin/yadm

Clone this repo

Once yadm is installed clone the repo.


yadm clone --recursive git@github.com:dylf/dotfiles.git


yadm clone --recursive https://github.com/dylf/dotfiles.git

Initialize the submodules

This repo is using submodules to include plugins and programs I use. After an inital clone run the following:

yadm submodule update --init --recursive

Useful things I may do

Sometimes you just need your .vimrc on the machine you're on.

curl -fsSLo ~/.vimrc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylf/dotfiles/master/.vimrc

or your .bashrc

curl -fsSLo ~/.bashrc https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylf/dotfiles/master/.bashrc


I am currently using tmux-sessionizer (tms) to manage my tmux sesssions.

Install via cargo: cargo install tmux-sessionizer