
Setup.py or pyproject.toml

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you very much for this port!
Our lab would like to include your software as a dependency of a cell morphology software we maintain.

Currently it seems easiest to just include your source code in our distribution with appropriate attribution, but if you wrote a setup.py or a pyproject.toml file then people could do "pip install git+https://github.com/dylkot/pyWNN" and then we could just put your software in the dependency list and pip would install your code automatically when the user downloads our package. As it stands, if we distribute your software now and you update it later then users will have an old copy of your code with versioning not tracked by the package manager.

Hi @patrick-nicodemus, I'm glad it was helpful! I'm not planning to update this any further so I think it should be fine to install it using the git version. OR else happy for you to make a pull request to create it as a pypi dependency. Cheers,