
This is Dylan Landry's last vim config. It will:

  1. explain everything
  2. be forever maintained
  3. be heckin good


  • setup signature help
  • lualine + lualine-lsp-progress
  • show tabs as 4 spaces instead of 8
  • plugin for detecting indent settings
    • make sure it plays well with TS indent module. I'm not sure how those interact.
  • setup git fugitive
  • setup git gutter
    • include hotkeys for jumping to next change


You can use gO (capital "o") to see an outline of a help file.

A guide to using nvim

:help user-manual

Configuring Vim with Lua

:help lua-guide: A survival guide on configuring nvim with Lua.

You can interact with Neovim through Lua in three "layers":

  • "Vim API" for ex-commands through vim.cmd() and user functions in Vimscript through vim.fn
  • "Neovim API" through vim.api
  • "Lua API" through other functions in vim.*


  • :help luaref: A reference on the Lua programming language
  • :help lua-concepts: Describes major concepts behind Lua
  • :help lua-engine: All about the Lua engine in neovim

LSP oh lordy

  • :help lsp: Guide on LSP
  • :help lsp-quickstart

Language Server Protocol: "The Language Server Protocol (LSP) defines the protocol used between an editor or IDE and a language server that provides language features like auto complete, go to definition, find all references etc."

More here:

List of language servers:

Nvim supports LSP and can act as a client to LSP servers.

Nvim provides a lua framework vim.lsp for building LSP enhanced tools.

  1. Install language servers on your computer
  2. Configure LSP client per language server. See vim.lsp.start()
  name = 'my-server-name',
  cmd = {'name-of-language-server-executable'},
  root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({'', 'pyproject.toml'}, { upward = true })[1]),
  1. Configure keymaps and autocmd to use LSP features. See lsp-config
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('LspAttach', {
  callback = function(args)
    vim.keymap.set('n', 'K', vim.lsp.buf.hover, { buffer = args.buf })

Because not all language servers provide the same capabilities, you can first check if those things are supported. Instructions on this are in :help lsp-config.

You can use nvim-lspconfig which provides ready-to-go configs for many langauge servers as well as installation instructions for how to get the actual language servers on your computer.


From Autocompletion on the nvim-lspconfig wiki:

Neovim does not support built-in autocompletion. As mentioned in the readme, you can bind the completion results to omnifunc for on-demand completion. To use autocompletion, please use an external plugin. We recommend nvim-cmp.