
sorting and searching algorithms in python and java in prep for DSALG

Primary LanguageJava



  • bubble sort (p/j)
  • binary search (p/j)
  • quicksort (p/j)
  • insertion sort (p/j)
  • selection sort (p/j)
  • linear search (p/j)

Additional Algorithms Created From Set Exercises

  • iterative algorithm to reverse the order of a list (p)
  • recursive algorithm to reverse the order of a list (p)
  • recursive algorithm to sum 1 to n numbers (where n is a positive integer) (p)
  • recursive digital sum algorithm (p)
  • recursive algorithm to find greatest common divisor (p)
  • recursive algorithm to print a range between two integers (p)
  • recursive binary search (p)

Future Challenges

  • implement dijkstra's algorithm in python and/or java (WIP)

algorithms implemented in (p)ython and (j)ava