
A maubot plugin to translate words.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A maubot to translate words using Google Translate (DeepL is planned too)


After inviting the bot to your room, simply use the !translate command:

!translate en ru Hello world.

which results in

Translate Bot:
> rubo77
> !translate en ru Hello world.
Привет, мир.

You can also use the alias tr:

!tr en ru Hello world.

The first parameter (source language) can be set to auto or omitted entirely to let Google Translate detect the source language. Additionally, you can reply to a message with !tr <from> <to> (no text) to translate the message you replied to.

supported languages:

  • de: (german)
  • en: (english)
  • zh: (chinese)
  • ...

Full list of supported languages: https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages