
eibc-client is a bot designed to continuously scan for eIBC demand orders and fulfill them.


  • Account Setup: The bot is configured with a Dymension account that can be found in the local keyring. The account is used to fulfill demand orders.

  • Order Refresh: The bot periodically refreshes its demand order list to ensure it has the most up-to-date information. Apart from refreshing the order list, the bot also checks for new orders by subscribing to eIBC events.

  • Order Fulfillment: The bot fulfills unfulfilled pending demand orders it finds on the hub.

  • Balance Checks: Every time the bot attempts to fulfill orders it will first check its balances for the denominations it needs to fulfill them. If it lacks funds for a particular denomination as specified in the order price, it will send an alert by posting a message on Slack, and will skip trying to fulfill that order until its account is topped up.

  • Gas Payment: The bot uses DYM coins to pay for gas. If it runs out of DYM coins, it will send an alert by posting a message on Slack, and will pause all order fulfillments until it is topped up.

  • Order Cleanup: The bot periodically checks and flushes fulfilled demand orders.


To set up the bot, you need to have Go installed on your machine. Once Go is installed, you can clone this repository and run the bot.


To run the bot, use the following command:


make install

eibc-client --config <path-to-config-file>


make docker-build

docker run -v <path-to-config-file>:/.eibc-client.yaml eibc-client --config /.eibc-client.yaml