Rolldrop Genesis Tool

The Rolldrop Genesis Tool is designed to facilitate the process of adding accounts (vested and non vested) to a Rollapp genesis file. This is specifically useful when there are a large number of accounts to be added to the genesis file like in the event of an airdrop.


  1. The accounts file should contain only unique addresses.
  2. The accounts file should be in JSON format and should contain the following structure:
          "claimAddress": "<address>", # Valid lower case hex address
          "amount": "<amount>", # Amount of tokens to be allocated in base denomination
          "vesting": { # Vesting can be omitted if the allocation is not vested
            "start_time": "<start_time>", # Unix timestamp
            "end_time": "<end_time>" # Unix timestamp
  3. The input genesis file should be a valid genesis file for the Rollapp.
  4. The Rollapp is an EVM Rollapp.

How to Run

To run the Rolldrop Genesis Tool, you will need Python installed on your system. Once you have Python set up, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the root directory of the project.
  3. Install the required dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Execute the tool by running the command below. Replace the placeholders with your specific values:
    python <base_denom> <bech32_prefix> <input_genesis_file_path> <airdrop_file_path> <output_genesis_file_path>
    • <base_denom>: The base denomination for the chain (e.g., "adym" for Dymension).
    • <bech32_prefix>: The prefix for the Bech32 addresses specific to your blockchain (e.g., "dym" for Dymension addresses).
    • <input_genesis_file_path>: The file path to the input genesis file that you want to modify. Should be a valid genesis file.
    • <accounts_file_path>: The file path to the JSON file containing the acocunt allocations.
    • <output_genesis_file_path>: The desired file path for the output genesis file with the airdrop allocations included.


python rolldrop-genesis/ urapx ethm example/genesis.json example/allocations.json example/final_genesis.json

In this example, the tool will read the genesis file at example/genesis.json and the airdrop file at example/allocations.json. It will then write the updated genesis file to example/final_genesis.json.