- This repository is for setting up vim and tmux for jaehong's personal use.
- This repository includes
- NeoVim configuration
- Tmux configuration
- Advanced cd
- Other useful scripts including silversearcher-ag and its ignore.
- nu, rnum is set by default in vim.
- buildifier will run on default for
files. - neovim is based on kanagawa color scheme. (you can change color scheme by editing
) - Auto completion with coc and copilot is applied.
- coc will show suggestions with popup and you can apply it with
. - copilot will show suggestions on same line on vim insert mode and you can apply it with
- coc will show suggestions with popup and you can apply it with
- This is only for Linux.
- You need copilot token to use copilot.vim. Please remove it on
if you don't have the token. - This will overwrite
- .agignore
- neovim configuration files
- coc configuration files
- tmux configuration files
- Clone this repository.
- To install all components, run
bash {repository path}/install.sh
. - You can install each component separately by running each install script in each directory.
- Install with
bash {repository path}/nvim/install_jaehong_nvim.sh
- vim is aliased to nvim.
- fugitive: Git wrapper for vim. (:Git blame, :Git mergetool, etc.)
- vim-prettier: Format code with prettier on save for json, javascript, typescript, css, scss, html, markdown.
- vim-airline: Status line to show current mode, file path, git branch, etc.
- git-messenger: Show git commit message. (Use
to show commit message) - kanagawa.nvim: Color scheme for nvim.
- copilot.vim: Copilot for vim.
- coc.nvim: Intellisense engine for vim.
- coc-json
- coc-go
- coc-yaml
- coc-python
- Install with
bash {repository path}/tmux/install_jaehong_tmux.sh
- Based on gpakosz/.tmux
- Applied vim for exploring terminal.
- Applied vim for moving between panes.
- Added
Ctrl + a
for prefix key. - Refer to tmux-cheatsheet for more information.
- Install with
bash {repository path}/advanced_cd/install_acd.sh
cd --
to show previous directory.cd -{number}
to move to previous directory.