
Primary LanguagePython


Post processing tool.


To install the requirements, and this repository as a package perform the following.

  1. clone this repository:
    • git clone https://github.com/dymokomi/dygen.git
  2. (optional) create a virtual environment:
    • cd dygen
    • python3 -m venv .env
    • source .env/bin/activate
  3. install the package and dependencies
    • pip install -e .



python dygen.py

and you'll get images in the /out folder.

The script currently turns this image: source_image

into this: source_image

How to do this with your own images:

  1. Place an image in a ref folder. Make sure it's a .png!

  2. Open dygen.py and change init_file = "ref", where ref is the name of your file without extension. I.e. if your file is named artwork.png, change the line to init_file = "artwork"

  3. Run the script with python dygen.py

  4. You'll get three new files in /out folder named

  • artwork.blobs.v1.png - raw color blobs
  • artwork.painted.v1.png - finished painting
  • artwork.sharpened.v1.png - a sharper looking version of the painting

How to be more creative.

Open dygen.py and start messing up with parameters. They're at the top of the file and I tried to document them as much as possible. Play with different numbers, like cluster and color_count and see what you get.


The fun start when you start using your own stencil masks. In /tex folder I placed two files that are currently used in the painting process, if you edit those, you'll get a much different look. Think of them as brushes. Worse comes to worse - hit me up on Twitter @dymokomi