
Specify location of main modules to build using an elm project file.


  1. Install the node package
npm install elm-webpack-project-loader
  1. Add the .elmproj webpack loader.
module: {
   rules: [{
      test: /\.elmproj$/,
      loader: 'elm-webpack-project-loader',

   noParse: /\.elmproj$/,
  1. Require an elm project file
var Elm = require('./path-to-elm-project.elmproj')

Project File Structure

A JSON file that specifies the location of the elm.json, the main files to build, and the root of your project files.

Assuming the file structure:

   |   /elm
   |----  /Components
   |-------- /WidgetA
   |----------- Main.elm
   |-------- /WidgetB
   |----------- Main.elm

The .elmproj file

   "elm-json-dir": "./",
   "main-modules": [

Using the Elm Debugger

Append the 'debug' query string to the end of the loader.

module: {
   rules: [{
      test: /\.elmproj$/,
      loader: 'elm-webpack-project-loader?debug=true',

   noParse: /\.elmproj$/,