SQL Gen Go

This package takes a directory and builds go types to be used with generated sql query builder.


Assume this directory structure


This tool will build an output like this (annotated in comments):

// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT.
package sql

// Based on the directory and file authors/create.sql
// parameters from the sql file e.g. :bio and :name are available as part of the struct.
// in the future these params will be able to be annotated with primitives or sql.* types.
type AuthorsCreate struct {
	Bio  interface{}
	Name interface{}

// authors/fetch.sql
type AuthorsFetch struct {
	AuthorId interface{}

// authors/list.sql (no parameters)
type AuthorsList struct {

func (p AuthorsCreate) Build() (string, []interface{}) {
	return "INSERT INTO authors (\n  name, bio\n) VALUES (\n  $1, $2\n)\nRETURNING *;", []interface{}{

func (p AuthorsFetch) Build() (string, []interface{}) {
	return "SELECT * FROM authors\nWHERE id = $1 LIMIT 1;", []interface{}{

func (p AuthorsList) Build() (string, []interface{}) {
	return "SELECT * FROM authors\nORDER BY name;", []interface{}{}

And usage:

package main

import "github.com/dynajoe/sql-gen-go/sql"

func main() {
    query, params := (sql.AuthorsCreate{
        Name: "Joe",
        Bio: "I like databases",

    // Use query and params with your sql driver of choice