
Expand and Collapse text and associated inline elements (not meant for multiple block-level elements)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Expander Plugin is a simple little jQuery plugin to hide/collapse a portion of an element’s text and add a “read more” link so that the text can be viewed by the user if he or she wishes. By default, the expanded text is followed by a “re-collapse” link. Expanded text can also be re-collapsed at a specified time

The plugin consists of single method, .expander(), with a bunch of options.


I need to clean up the options object. Until I get around to it, the following options are currently available:

slicePoint:       100,  // the number of characters at which the contents will be sliced into two parts.
// Note: any tag names in the HTML that appear inside the sliced element before
// the slicePoint will be counted along with the text characters.
widow:            4,  // a threshold of sorts for whether to initially hide/collapse part of the element’s contents.
// If after slicing the contents in two there are fewer words in the second part than
// the value set by widow, we won’t bother hiding/collapsing anything.
expandText:       ‘read more’, // text displayed in a link instead of the hidden part of the element.
// clicking this will expand/show the hidden/collapsed text
expandPrefix:     ’… ’,
collapseTimer:    0, // number of milliseconds after text has been expanded at which to collapse the text again
expandEffect:     ‘fadeIn’,
expandSpeed:      ’’,   // speed in milliseconds of the animation effect for expanding the text
userCollapse:     true, // allow the user to re-collapse the expanded text.
userCollapseText: ‘[collapse expanded text]’,  // text to use for the link to re-collapse the text
userCollapsePrefix: ’ ’,

  • all functions have the this keyword mapped to the element that called .expander()
    onSlice: null, // function() {}
    beforeExpand: null, // function() {},
    afterExpand: null, // function() {},
    onCollapse: null // function(byUser) {}