
Primary LanguageJava


Problem_No Problem_Name Java C# Bash
008 String to Integer (atoi)
013 Roman to Integer
094 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
100 Same Tree AC
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree AC AC
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
136 Single Number AC AC
144 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
171 Excel Sheet Column Number AC
191 Number of 1 Bits AC
195 Tenth Line AC
206 Reverse Linked List AC
226 Invert Binary Tree AC
231 Power of Two AC
232 Implement Queue using Stacks
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
237 Delete Node in a Linked List AC AC
258 Add Digits AC
283 Move Zeros AC


Problem_No Problem_Name Java C
100 The 3n + 1 problem AC
113 Power of Cryptography AC
272 TEX Quotes AC
494 Kindergarten Counting Game AC
10071 Back to High School Physics AC