
Tracking issue for WinUI 3 support on game bar

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Necessary to use webview2 in this uwp app (MicrosoftEdge/WebView2Feedback#186)
Currently tracked @ microsoft/XboxGameBarSamples#100

Thank you for the track.

https://www.theregister.com/2021/07/02/uwp_microsoft_winui3/ MS will not be supporting winui3 on UWP officially as of today - making it unlikely that webview2 will be available anytime soon.

Rip UWP.

We're still working with the Windows team on WebView2 support for UWP for Game Bar. It's not committed yet, but we're hoping to make it happen.

@superusercode Thanks for this. Just looked it up and it seems like Microsoft.UI.Xaml 2.7.0-prerelease.210827001 does support WebView2. I'll try to find some time where I can update this app with WebView2 and all the other proposed features.

I've given WebView2 a go. There have been many issues so far but they are manageable as the features are either not that important or a workaround has been implemented. However, there is one major issue, which is that WebView2 completely ignores keyboard input when in the Game Bar. I've spent a lot of time trying to find a solution but to no avail.

I wonder if this is something that must be fixed by the Game Bar team?

I accidentally discovered that Webview2 recognizes the keyboard if you open the Emoji window (Win + .) so that it has a Search field.

Although it looks like a bug, it's interesting that technically it can work. 😅

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