
languagetool-code-comments integrates the LanguageTool API to parse, spell check, and correct the grammar of your code comments!

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languagetool-code-comments integrates the LanguageTool API to parse, spell check, and correct the grammar of your code comments!


Never will you submit a PR where you fat-fingered // This is a hck in your code again. LTCC can be integrated directly in your editor, or used in a linting fashion in your CI pipelines. Caching is built in to speed up processing new and edited docs.

Using the power of Tree Sitter, LTCC easily integrates with several programming languages. And if privacy is a concern, and you have some spare hardware lying around, LanguageTool offers a great way to self-host your own instance.


languagetool-code-comments v0.4.4
Integrates the LanguageTool API to parse, spell check, and correct the grammar of your code

    languagetool-code-comments <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Print help information
    -V, --version    Print version information

    cache         Functionality around the LanguageTools result cache.
    check         Parses source code comments from the provided file and passes them to
                      LanguageTool, returning grammar and spelling mistakes if any.
    completion    Generates shell completions
    help          Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  - astro
  - bash
  - css
  - dockerfile
  - go
  - hcl
  - html
  - javascript
  - jsx
  - lua
  - make
  - nix
  - python
  - rust
  - sql
  - toml
  - tsx
  - typescript
  - yaml



brew install dustinblackman/tap/languagetool-code-comments

Debian / Ubuntu

curl -s https://apt.dustinblackman.com/KEY.gpg | apt-key add -
curl -s https://apt.dustinblackman.com/dustinblackman.list > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dustinblackman.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install languagetool-code-comments

Fedora / CentOS

dnf config-manager --add-repo https://yum.dustinblackman.com/config.repo
dnf install languagetool-code-comments


nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA nur.repos.dustinblackman.languagetool-code-comments

Arch Linux

yay -S languagetool-code-comments-bin



choco install languagetool-code-comments --version=0.4.4


scoop bucket add dustinblackman https://github.com/dustinblackman/scoop-bucket.git
scoop install languagetool-code-comments


Download the pre-compiled binaries and packages from the releases page and copy to the desired location.


git clone https://github.com/dustinblackman/languagetool-code-comments.git
cd languagetool-code-comments
git submodule update --init --recursive
cargo install --path .



languagetool-code-comments check -l en-US --file /home/me/my-test-file.rs


See ./tools/null-ls-config.lua

The above uses null-ls, and is based off the soon-to-be ltrs configuration. Once I feel languagetool-code-comments responses have stabilized, I'll attempt PRing the configs to null-rs itself.

Visual Studio Code

Coming Soon! Follow dustinblackman#1 for updates.



git clone https://github.com/dustinblackman/languagetool-code-comments.git
cd languagetool-code-comments
git submodule update --init --recursive
cargo check

Adding a new language

Let's take the following steps to add Perl to languagetool-code-comments, as example which will take you from selecting the Tree Sitter config, to integrating the language in the repo, writing tests, and QAing. If you'd like to check out a complete example, see add Nix.

  1. Follow the setup for the project.
  2. Head over to the Tree Sitter Parsers docs and select the Perl parser.
  3. Add the repo as a submodule with git submodule add https://github.com/ganezdragon/tree-sitter-perl ./external/tree-sitter-perl
  4. Update build.rs by adding a configuration for Perl in the langs vec. Perl includes both a parser.c and scanner.cc, so the configuration would look like the following.
    vec!["parser.c", "scanner.cc"],
  1. Run cargo build to verify the configuration is set up correctly.
  2. Update parse.rs by adding fn tree_sitter_perl() - Language; to extern "C", Perl to the Languages enum, a case statement in get_language_config(), and an extension parser in get_language_from_filepath().
  3. Create a Perl file fixture in ./tests/fixtures, following the examples of the other languages.
  4. Update parse_test.rs with a test for Perl, following the examples of the other languages.
  5. Run cargo test to prove your tests work.
  6. Run cargo build and test the CLI works as expected with Perl.