This library implements a JMeter Backend listener and sends the recorded loadtest metrics via the Dynatrace MINT metric ingest to the configured Dynatrace monitoring environment.
- 3
- 1
Add a sampler filter in the configuration
#19 opened by rpionke - 1
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Publish Plugin on https://jmeter-plugins.org
#11 opened by jloisel - 2
- 0
Add example for a Dynatrace dashboard
#14 opened by christian-inzko-dt - 2
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meter.usermetrics.transaction.maxtime graph values aren't populated correctly
#8 opened by girishmanyam - 4
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Jmeter single testplan with multiple services to send transaction mint metrics to respect service in Dynatrace
#6 opened by santoshrole - 1
- 8
Dynatrace Metrics not matching with JMeter
#4 opened by QAInsights - 2
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