- 0
Export produces invalid .tf files when `legacy_id` of management zones are small numbers
#620 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 1
Add Supporting Service 'metrics' discovery similar to what exists for dynatrace_azure_supported_services
#598 opened by Forcebyte - 1
- 6
This is a bug in the provider
#612 opened by Tony-WangQAQ - 4
Application Detection Reorder Rules
#617 opened by sk-securian - 0
- 0
- 3
- 3
Enable Direct Integration of Exported JSON Files for Synthetic Browser Monitors in Terraform
#610 opened by stevenganso237 - 1
Revalidate `repairInput` behavior
#589 opened by kishikawa12 - 2
dynatrace_automation_workflow task being falsely registered as workflow resource
#615 opened by jparrottOneStream - 1
dynatrace_hub_extension_config requires different API token scopes as documented
#613 opened by matthias-huber - 1
- 1
Bug: Dynatrace Provider Crashes When Importing dynatrace_custom_log_source Resource
#609 opened by nkgovind - 3
`dynatrace_service_naming` - "value must be null if the operator 'EXISTS' is specified"
#606 opened by daniel-ciaglia - 2
Provider produced inconsistent result after apply
#605 opened by adhaferat - 0
Public `dynatrace_automation_workflows` are getting exported as "private"
#608 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 0
Exporting `dynatrace_automation_workflow` inactivates tasks that are not specifically flagged as `active`
#607 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 0
Add support for Cost Allocation
#600 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 3
FIPS Country and Region Codes Are Not Standard!
#601 opened by o6uoq - 1
- 1
Inconsistent and faulty metric selectors
#594 opened by MrWelsch - 0
Attribute `availability_notifications_enabled` of resource `dynatrace_synthetic_location` is not getting taken into consideration when 'false'
#602 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 1
Platform buckets deletion fails
#592 opened by vlad-preutu - 0
Attribute `concurrency` for tasks in `dynatrace_automation_workflow` not getting sent to Dynatrace
#599 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 0
#597 opened by kishikawa12 - 0
#596 opened by kishikawa12 - 0
Export may crash when downloading `dynatrace_service_naming` resources
#595 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 0
`dynatrace_automation_workflow` doesn't support `wait_before` attribute as a string
#591 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 0
Support oAuth Token for all resources
#590 opened by anton-freyberg - 1
Terraform detects non-empty plans for `dynatrace_custom_tags`
#588 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 5
- 2
dynatrace_openpipeline_logs : data source
#567 opened by Vijayalakshmi-Yolbhavi - 2
- 1
- 4
"dynatrace_application_detection_rule_v2" should create new rule every time and not override
#575 opened by Vijayalakshmi-Yolbhavi - 1
dynatrace_autotag_rules in module always produces non-empty plan when used within a module
#587 opened by corym-vermeer - 1
- 1
Newly created documents cannot get referred immediately by `dynatrace_direct_shares`
#571 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 0
Export utility `-ref` triggers download of all resources with `insert_after`
#577 opened by kishikawa12 - 0
Add support for `Wait Before` property for tasks in resource `dynatrace_automation_workflow`
#585 opened by Reinhard-Pilz-Dynatrace - 0
- 5
Bindings data source
#578 opened by Thebridgeman - 0
- 0
- 2
dynatrace_mobile_application not setting the Application name correctly.
#573 opened by corym-vermeer - 2
Upgrade throws Browser monitor errors
#574 opened by TheLooostOne - 2
- 1
Documentation: Spelling error in code sample for data source dynatrace_tenant
#570 opened by jwilliams-shadowsoft - 2