
R package for extracting and visualizing mutational patterns in base substitution catalogues

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This a forked code from the official MutationalPatterns package. Visit authors' original version at https://github.com/CuppenResearch/MutationalPatterns for valid and up-to-date code.

Francis Blokzijl, Roel Janssen, Ruben van Boxtel and Edwin Cuppen (2016). MutationalPatterns: Studying patterns in base substitution catalogues. R package version 0.2.

  • forked tag: v0.2-beta

Changes made:

Make MutationalPatterns compatible for R 3.2.3

PS: R 3.2 compatible package is not tested for any of functions in MutationalPatterns

Edited DESCRIPTION file using bioconda recipe from @chapmanb to downgrade required packages version for R 3.2 compatibility.

See https://github.com/dyndna/MutationalPatterns/blob/v0.2-beta_R3.2/build_bioconda.sh for changes made to original DESCRIPTION file

See https://github.com/dyndna/MutationalPatterns/tree/v0.2-beta_R3.2/build_logs for logs related to building and loading MutationalPatterns under R 3.2.3 environment.

Please report issues at UMCUGenetics#3