## README file created by Angela Yen on March 13, 2015 ## Please contact angela@mit.edu with questions or for clarifications. # Copyright 2015 Angela Yen # # This file is part of ChromDiff. # # ChromDiff is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # ChromDiff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with ChromDiff. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ############### Part 0: Setup #################### This folder "ChromDiff" contains the code and data for running ChromDiff on the examples provided in the manuscript. Part 0.1: Dependencies for ChromDiff include BedTools, awk, bash, and R. Please make sure these are installed and working before trying to run ChromDiff. Part 0.2a: Applying ChromDiff to Epigenomics Roadmap data, as described in Yen and Kellis, 2015: The only data that was not included in this zipped file is the 15-state ChromHMM state calls. The easiest way to download all these chromatin state calls is to download the compressed .tar.gz directory at http://egg2.wustl.edu/roadmap/data/byFileType/chromhmmSegmentations/ChmmModels/coreMarks/jointModel/final/all.mnemonics.bedFiles.tgz. Then, uncompress the directory and move all the contained files into the ChromDiff subdirectory statecalls/core/, which has already been created within this directory. Alternatively, you can download all state call files of the form E***_15_coreMarks_mnemonics.bed.gz from http://www.broadinstitute.org/~anshul/projects/roadmap/chromhmmSegmentations/ChmmModels/coreMarks/parallel/set2/final/ into the subdirectory statecalls/core/, which has already been created within this directory. Generally, we are using the "Mnemonics bed files" of the "Core 15-state model_ described here: http://egg2.wustl.edu/roadmap/web_portal/chr_state_learning.html#core_15state Once the state calls have been downloaded an dmoved into the corresponding directory, simply run ./notes_v2.sh to reproduce the analysis, results, and figures. (NOTE: as described in Yen and Kellis, 2015, our gene list does not include chrY genes. Therefore, if you download our gene list in data/gencode_genes_full.txt, this will be a list of all Version 10 GENCODE protein-coding genes, except for ChrY genes.) All input files can be found in the data/ folder, which can be used as examples as described in Part 1 of this README file. --> To find results and figures, please see Part 4 of this README file. Part 0.2b: Applying ChromDiff to other data: - Part 1 describes preparation and formatting of the data and other input for ChromDiff - Part 2 describes how to specify the input variables and files to ChromDiff. - Part 3 outlines the various steps of the ChromDiff pipeline - Part 4 describes where to find results, p-values, and figures. ########### PART 1: Formatting for other data for ChromDiff input ############# ChromDiff relies on the following information 1. Epigenome unique IDs and metadata 2. Gene IDs and locations 3. Chromatin state annotations for the epigenome IDs 4. Expression data in the form of RPKM values for each gene 5. Covariate matrix (based on metadata) and mapping of covariates to metadata categories See below for details: 1. Epigenome unique IDs and metadata This file should be in the following tab-delimited format: ID filepath color name category1 category2 ... id1 filepath/to/id1.bed #E41A1C name_of_id1 category1_for_id1 category2_for_id1 ... id2 filepath/to/id2.bed #924965 name_of_id2 category1_for_id2 category2_for_id2 ... . . . That is, the first column is the unique ID, the 3rd column is the hex coding of the color for the epigenome, and the fourth column is the name (label that will be used on plots). The second column is the path to the chromatin state annotation file (as described in "3. Chromatin state annotations" below). The remaining columns are any other categories you will want to compare the data based on. The first row must be the "column names" for this matrix, with "ID", "filepath", and "name" as the first three column names, as shown above. NOTE: no periods (.) should be used in the metadata as epigenome IDs, category names, or category values. That means no periods should be used in 1st column, or in any columns after the 3rd column. (Periods may and will likely be used in the filepath column.) NOTE: every category name should be unique from every other category name. (i.e. the 5th and 6th column names can not be the same.) NOTE: Every option value should be uniquely assigned to one category. (For example, there can't be a "TRUE" for category "is_female" and also a "TRUE" entry for category "is_tissue". This can be avoided by using values such as "TRUEFEMALE" and "TRUETISSUE", or simply "FEMALE" and "TISSUE".) Example: final_celltype_metadata.txt 2. Gene IDs and locations The gene file must be modeled in the following tab-delimited format: #All gencode protein-coding genes (entries with type gene) #chr start end strand gencode_gene_id genesymbols chr1 34553 36081 - ENSG00000237613.2 FAM138A chr1 69090 70008 + ENSG00000186092.4 OR4F5 chr1 367639 368634 + ENSG00000235249.1 OR4F29 The 6th column of genesymbols are optional, but are necessary for gene set enrichment calculations. Example: genes/gencode_genes_full.txt 3. Chromatin state annotations a) Chromatin state annotations should be in the following tab-delimited bed format: chr10 0 119600 15_Quies chr10 119600 120400 1_TssA chr10 120400 136200 14_ReprPCWk chr10 136200 139400 15_Quies chr10 139400 145200 9_Het chr10 145200 162800 15_Quies chr10 162800 165000 9_Het chr10 165000 176200 15_Quies chr10 176200 176600 7_Enh NOTE: the 4th column must be of the form STATENUM_STATEMNEMONIC, and these must match the numbers/mnemonics given in the chromatin state metadata file (Part1.3b). Example: http://www.broadinstitute.org/~anshul/projects/roadmap/segmentations/models/coreMarks/parallel/set2/final/E001_15_coreMarks_mnemonics.bed.gz b) Chromatin state metadata A tab-delimited file listing all possible chromatin states with the following information: STATE NO. MNEMONIC DESCRIPTION COLOR NAME COLOR CODE 1 TssA Active TSS Red "255,0,0" 2 TssAFlnk Flanking Active TSS Orange Red "255,69,0" 3 TxFlnk Transcr. at gene 5' and 3' LimeGreen "50,205,50" 4 Tx Strong transcription Green "0,128,0" 5 TxWk Weak transcription DarkGreen "0,100,0" 6 EnhG Genic enhancers GreenYellow "194,225,5" 7 Enh Enhancers Yellow "255,255,0" 8 ZNF/Rpts ZNF genes & repeats Medium Aquamarine "102,205,170" 9 Het Heterochromatin PaleTurquoise "138,145,208" 10 TssBiv Bivalent/Poised TSS IndianRed "205,92,92" 11 BivFlnk Flanking Bivalent TSS/Enh DarkSalmon "233,150,122" 12 EnhBiv Bivalent Enhancer DarkKhaki "189,183,107" 13 ReprPC Repressed PolyComb Silver "128,128,128" 14 ReprPCWk Weak Repressed PolyComb Gainsboro "192,192,192" 15 Quies Quiescent/Low White "255,255,255" NOTE: State numbers must go from 1...n, where n is the total number of states. Example: core_annotation.txt 4. Expression data should be formatted as a matrix in tab-delimited format, with each row corresponding to a gene and each column corresponding to a epigenome. The first row should be the labels. An example is below: gene_id E000 E003 E004 E005 E006 ENSG00000000003 23.265 43.985 37.413 29.459 21.864 ENSG00000000005 0.872 1.642 6.498 0.000 0.157 ENSG00000000419 55.208 35.259 58.308 48.208 37.477 ENSG00000000457 3.237 2.596 2.345 8.775 2.723 ENSG00000000460 7.299 6.649 7.838 7.324 0.830 ENSG00000000938 0.052 0.211 0.059 0.009 0.012 ENSG00000000971 3.000 0.000 0.003 0.009 41.909 ENSG00000001036 58.371 49.337 25.066 25.679 86.255 ENSG00000001084 7.077 6.966 10.110 4.609 5.870 Example: rnaseq/57epigenomes.RPKM.pc 5. a) Covariate matrix for factors that will be corrected for. Values can be factors (which will be automatically converted by R), or numbers for "mixed" covariates: UCSD BI UCSF-UBC UW FEMALE MALE UNKNOWN SOLID_LIQUID TYPE E017 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 NONE CELLLINE E002 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 NONE PRIMARYCULTURE E008 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 NONE PRIMARYCULTURE E001 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 NONE PRIMARYCULTURE E015 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 NONE PRIMARYCULTURE Example: cov.mat.txt b) Mapping metadata matrix to covariate matrix. This must explain which metadata columns (i.e. "category1", "category2", ...) correspond to which covariate columns. Matrix has n rows and m columns, where n is the number of the metadata columns (categories) that we may correct for, while m is the number of covariate columns. Each matrix cell is TRUE for elements matrix[i,j] where metadata column i corresponds to covariate column j, and FALSE otherwise: UCSD BI UCSF.UBC UW FEMALE MALE UNKNOWN SOLID_LIQUID TYPE LAB TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE SOLID_LIQUID FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TYPE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE SEX FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE Example: map_vars_covariates.txt ######### PART 2: Specifying input files and variables ################### ChromDiff requires that input files and variables be set in the file notes_v2.sh. The file currently contains an outline of the pipeline, with inputs currently set to the example files and parameters that generated the sex comparison (Female vs Male) described in Yen and Kellis, 2015. The description of the required inputs is described below, in Part2a-Part 2e. These required inputs for ChromDiff can roughly be divided into two parts, as shown by "Part 1" and "Part 2" in the notes_v2.sh. Part 1, which is referenced in sections a-b below, has to do with processing the data and generating the ChromDiff representation. Part 2, which is referenced in sections c-e, has to do with the parameters for each epigenomic group comparison (such as Female/Male, Adult/Fetal, etc.). a. Labels: In notes_v2.sh, you need to specify 2 names/labels. Specify statecalls_label to any name or label that describes your epigenomic (chromatin state call) information. Set generegions_label to any name or label that describes your gene regions. These labels are so that you can run the ChromDiff pipeline on different chromatin state calls or different epigenomic information, as well as different gene regions. Example (as shown in "Part 1" of notes_v2.sh): statecalls_label="core" generegions_label="gencode_v10" b. File inputs: In notes_v2.sh, you also need to specify the following file inputs. They must be formatted as described in the corresponding section of Part 1 above: i. metadatafile: epigenomic metadata file as described in Part 1.1 ii. genefile: file of gene regions as described in Part 1.2 iii. state_annotations_file: metadata for chromatin states, as described in Part 1.3b. iv. expfile: expression matrix, as specified in Part 1.4. v. covariate_mat_file: Covariate matrix specifying the covariates and associated epigenomes, as described in Part 1.5a vi. map_covariates_file: Matrix specifying relationships between covariates (in the covariate matrix) and metadata categories/properties, as specified in 1.5b Example (as shown in "Part 1" of notes_v2.sh): metadatafile="data/final_celltype_metadata.txt" genefile="data/gencode_genes_full.txt" states_info="data/core_annotation.txt" expfile="data/57epigenomes.RPKM.pc" covariate_mat_file="data/cov.mat.txt" map_covariates_file="data/map_vars_covariates.txt" c. Epigenomic groups: To compare groups of epigenomes to each other, you need to specify the property and options you want to compare Specifically, the property is the column name (category) in your epigenome metadata matrix (i.e. "sex"). The two options are the two (different) values for that column you want to compare your epigenomes based on (i.e. "Female" vs "Male"). Then, ChromDiff will compare the group of epigenomes labeled a_option under property to the group of epigenomes labeled b_option under property. Example (as shown in "Part 2" of notes_v2.sh): property="sex" a_option="Female" b_option="Male" d. ChromDiff parameters: ChromDiff allows two parameters to be set. i. test_type: The test_type variable specifies the probabilistic test ChromDiff uses to calculate p-values, as described in Yen and Kellis, 2015. Options are "wilcox", "ttest", and "ftest", for the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, the Student's t-test, and the F-test of the equality of two variances, respectively. ii. correction: The correction variable specifies the multiple hypothesis correction used on the raw p-values, as described in Yen and Kellis, 2015. Options are "fdr", "bonferroni", and "BY", for the Benjamini-Hochberg FDR correction, the Bonferroni (familywise error rate) correction, and the Benjamini-Yekutieli FDR correction, respectively. Example (as shown in "Part 2" of notes_v2.sh): test_type="wilcox" correction="fdr" e. Optional setting of dendrogram height cutoff for clustering: heightcutoff can default to 0, which will produce no clusters, unless there are features/genes with identical epigenomic information. Optionally, after running the analysis the first time (with default height cutoff of 0), you can then look at the resulting dendrogram file in plots/${curr_label}/${a_option}.${b_option}/perc/${test_type}/${correction}/hclust_domstate.pdf to choose a manual cutoff. Then, the height cutoff will generate and analyze gene clusters based on the given dendrogram and height cutoff, as shown in clustered plots and analysis in Yen and Kellis, 2015. Example (as shown in "Part 2" of notes_v2.sh): heightcutoff=0 #### PART 3: Running ChromDiff pipeline #### After setting up your data for input (as in part 1) and specifying your input files, variables and parameter (as in part 2), we can proceed to actually running ChromDiff on your data. The simple way to run ChromDiff, is simply to run the script notes_v2.sh. There, you can see that ChromDiff splits up into 4 steps: Step 1: Setting up gene info: ./process_gene_info.sh $genefile $generegions_label Step 2: Calculate features for all epigenomes, chromatin states, and genes: ./calculate_all_raw_features.sh $metadatafile $statecalls_label $generegions_label $states_info -Note: You can also use ./calculate_raw_features.sh on each epid separately to parallelize: ./calculate_raw_features.sh $epid $statecallfile $statecalls_label $generegions_label $states_info Step 3: Calculate background information, feature names, and check data: ./featnames_bgvals.sh $statecalls_label $generegions_label $states_info Step 4: Run ChromDiff on a particular epigenomic group comparison: ./perform_analysis.R $property $a_option $b_option $test_type $correction $curr_label $heighcutoff $metadatafile RESULTS: - figures and plots as presented in Yen and Kellis, 2015 will output in the directory: plots/core/${label1}_${label2}/perc/${test}/${correction}/ - results for comparison of expression can be found in the directory exp.pvals/ - results for msigdb gene set enrichment can be found in msigdb/results/ #### PART 4: Finding results generated by ChromDiff ####### There are 4 categories of results that ChromDiff generates, which are listed below with corresponding directories: 1. P-values of features (all_pvals/) 2. Plots and figures (plots/) 3. Differential expression results (exp.pvals/) 4. Gene set enrichment results (msigdb/) 1. P-values: a. Corrected p-values for every feature (gene and chromatin state) for each comparison can be found in the following path: --> all_pvals/${statecalls_label}_${generegions_label}/perc.${test}.${correction}.${property}.${label1}.${label2}.txt All ${xxxxx} variables should be substituted for the values used, as specified in Part 2. b. Corrected p-values for significant features that were used in figure generation (sampled as necessary) can be found in the following path: sig_pvals/${statecalls_label}_${generegions_label}/perc.${test}.${correction}.${property}.${label1}.${label2}.txt The format of the p-value files is two columns, with the left column as the feature id (GENEID_CHROMATINSTATENUMBER) and the right column as the p-value after multiple hypothesis correction. 2. Plots and figures: Plots and figures used in Yen and Kellis, 2015 will output in the following directory: plots/${statecalls_label}_${generegions_label}/${label1}.${label2}/perc/${test}/${correction}/ a. Plot for combinations of genes and chromatin states (as shown in Fig. 2a): sig.pvals.pdf b. Dendrogram that can be used to choose a height cutoff (as chosen in Table S1): hclust_domstate.pdf c. Plot of dominant chromatin state (as shown in Fig. 2c): sig_maj_plot_clust_matched_domstate.pdf d. Plot of expression (as shown in Fig. 2d): sig_exp_plot_clust_matched_domstate.pdf (Supplementary) e. Plot of dominant chromatin state ordered to match gene ordering from combinations of genes and chromatin states (as shown in Fig. S2b): sig_maj_plot_clust_matched_combinations.pdf 3. Differential expression: Statistics that show how many genes were differentially expressed are listed in the file exp.pvals/${statecalls_label}_${generegions_label}_domstate_percent_all.txt (Tables are also available in the same directory.) 4. Gene set enrichment: Results for gene set enrichment from MSigDB gene sets are in the following directory: msigdb/results/c2_c5/symbols/perc.${test}.${correction}.${property}.${label1}.${label2}_all.txt The file is in table format with the most significant gene sets listed first. As shown in the header, the columns represent: geneset genesetsize(K) numoverlaps(k) k/K q-value orig_pval P-values are generated using the hyper-geometric test, and Storey's q-value correction is used to generate the q-values shown in the 4th column.
Forked code of ChromDiff program as described in Yen and Kellis, Nature Communications 2015. Official code at