A frontend-only/in-browser non-destructive image composition editor (i.e. Photoshop / Illustrator clone) with vector drawing catered to exporting multiple assets such as favicons designed for desktop.
This was built from the final project of my General Assembly bootcamp class (SEI-Melb-22 Blackjack) during the final week.
- Draw paths with pen
- Adjust blending modes on a layer
- Add and delete layers in a composition
- Adjust colors with React
- Change canvas size
- Reorder layers
- React.js
- Great for split an single web application in smaller components.
- create-react-app
- really easy to get an simple React website up and running.
- p5.js
- js drawing/image processing library for html canvas
- paper.js
- js drawing library for drawing paths and shapes
- react-color
- React.js color picker components
I wrote my initial pitch to make a photoshop / illustrator clone with a minimum viable product:
As a web developer, I want to be able a single image composition export (aspect-ratio) in multiple resolutions in the different resolution because I want to create favicons for many devices.
Yet, I had more other user stories for my project and put them into my Trello board
Next, I proceeded to make a number of Wireframes in Figma, looking at Figma, PhotoShop, Canva, Illustrator and After Effects for inspirations.
Choosing an undertaking as 'writing your own photoshop clone' is definitely an overwhelming task to complete in a week. I did find it challenging to incorporate two js canvas libraries.
However, I am still proud of my project.
- Pick colors for shapes
- Draw paths with pen
- Build vector shapes
- Save compositions
- Draw mask shapes with pens
- Import images into editor for layer
- Import compositions for image
- Place images around the composition
- Reorder layers in composition, maybe drag and drop
- Turn on/off layers
- Adjust opacity on a layer
- Adjust blending modes on a layer
- Turn masks on for each layer
- Export composition to jpg, png
- Export to SVG
- Export same aspect ratio to different resolutions
- Export as favicons
- Have a lightness histogram
- Able to reuse pre-comps
- Undo / redo history
- Copy masks between layers
- Writing out manifest.json for favicon
- Writing out BrowserConfig.xml for favicon
- bodymoving integration