
Primary LanguageRuby

Vagrant VPN Proxy

This will create a small vagrant machine running a caching proxy server and the openconnect VPN client. The goal is to proxy web traffic over a VPN connection (e.g. to connect to private corporate websites while on a public network).

Sounds good! How do I get this thing up and running?

New Installation

  1. Install Vagrant and VirtualBox, as we depend on these.

  2. Clone the repo

$ git clone https://github.com/dyoung522/vmproxy
$ cd vmproxy
  1. Prep the VPN configuration file; .env
$ cp env.sample .env
$ chmod 0600 .env
  1. Modify the .env file as appropriate. It should be self-explanatory, but make sure you have at least the top three variables set:
export VPN_URL='https://your.vpn.url'
export VPN_USER='your-username'
export VPN_PASS='your-password'
# The rest are optional
export VPN_TIMEOUT=60
export VPN_LOGFILE='vpn.log'
  1. Copy proxy.yml.example to proxy.yml and modify it appropriately, here's the basic syntax:
# a list of hosts we should always proxy for
  - '*.proxied-domain.com'
  - 'always-proxy-me.example.com'

# an optional list of hosts we should never proxy for, use this to override hosts in proxied domains
  - 'never-proxy-me.proxied-domain.com'

# What should we default to, 'proxy' or 'direct'? if unset, the default is 'direct'
default: direct
  1. Copy do-not-cache.txt.sample to do-not-cache.txt and modify it for your needs. This file specifies any domains you do not wish to be cached by the proxy server (e.g. a local development domain).

  2. Launch the VM

vagrant up

Upgrading from a previous release

  1. Run vagrant destroy -- this ensures you get the latest provisioning
  2. Then run vagrant up as usual

That's it!

Your proxy server is now up and running at In case something goes wrong, you can check logs/vpn.log for additional information.

Great! Now, how do I use it?

There are two ways:

  1. You can redirect web-traffic to your proxy server via a browser plugin:

Most modern browsers have plugins/extensions available online for this very purpose, so find one you like. Personally, I like Proxy SwitchyOmega for chrome, but you can use whatever works for you.

Configure it to point your Proxy Server running at

  1. Configure autoproxy by either pointing your browser proxy or system network configuration at

Under OS X, you can do this in System Preferences -> Network -> [network adaptor] -> Advanced -> Proxies -> Automatic Proxy Configuration

That's it!

What you should know...

  • The VPN client logs to log/vpn.log (by default), so check for problems there first.
  • The VPN client will attempt to reconnect after 60 seconds (or whatever you've set $VPN_TIMEOUT to be) of being disconnected... forever
  • To stop the proxy altogether, run vagrant halt
  • To restart it, run vagrant up

Known Issues

  • If you encounter a CHEF error regarding "shared folders" while starting the VM, you'll need to remove the vagrant synced_folders file...

    rm .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/synced_folders
  • Sometimes the OpenConnect VPN client loses it's ability to obtain a valid certificate and gets stuck. If you see errors in your vpn.log along those lines, run vagrant reload and that typically clears it up.

  • If you find more, please submit an issue

I want to help make this faster/stronger/better!

That's great, any positive contributions are welcome!

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request