
Primary LanguageJava

JavaFF: Java Facade/Factories

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We all know the Golden Object Oriented rule Don't talk to strangers

We all know that you will never find the API/frameworks defects or magic or limitations the at begging of the development.

Imagine yourself using API in all your projects for years. Everybody else is using it as well, it is famous and mature. Suddenly you have a huge production issue. Changing that API is too hard and costly at this stage!

What now?

Or you decided to change any API/framework for new requirments. Lets take logging as an example, now we have log4j, logback, JDK logging. At the beginning of the project you decide to go with the logback since it's so famous and faster than log4j and it's bundled with Spring , etc.

After 1 year of the project you got a new requirements for the logging which are:

  • All logs should be localized
  • FATAL errors should be sent to a specific email

Disaster right !!

Examples for famous bugs in very famous frameworks

Memory Leak



So, we should always protect our project and noy use a framework or API directly and this is the main idea here

Main Features

  • This project offers a standard/clear API for the most used API's in the Java Applications like : Exceptions, Locale, Beans, Formatter's, Json Handlers, Loggers, ReflectionHelpers, etc.

  • You can control the implementations through the class path without changing line of code The below example shows how the implementation will be changed without changing the code: Now I have the below dependencies in my pom.xml


So when I call

    LogFactory.getLogger(LogFactory.class).info("LOCALIZED_MSG", "Kiswani");  
    Nov 22, 2016 6:54:07 PM io.github.rhkiswani.javaff.log.Slf4jLog info
    INFO: this is localized msg from messages_en.properties thanks for Mr Kiswani

When I remove the dependencies from the pom.xml and run the same code I will get

    LogFactory.getLogger(LogFactory.class).info("LOCALIZED_MSG", "Kiswani");
    Nov 22, 2016 7:00:15 PM io.github.rhkiswani.javaff.log.DefaultLog info
    INFO: this is localized msg from messages_en.properties thanks for Mr Kiswani
  • Transparent localization for logs, strings, exceptions

  • Centralized and Configurable Exception Handling by the class type below a full example

    package io.github.rhkiswani.javaff;
    import io.github.rhkiswani.javaff.exceptions.ExceptionHandler;
    import io.github.rhkiswani.javaff.exceptions.ExceptionHandlersFactory;
    import io.github.rhkiswani.javaff.exceptions.ExceptionUtil;
    public class TestMain {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Any instance of ConsoleException will be handled here
            ExceptionHandlersFactory.instance().add(ConsoleException.class, new ExceptionHandler() {
                public void handle(Throwable t) {
                    System.out.println("ConsoleException handler");
            //Any instance of MailException will be handled here
            ExceptionHandlersFactory.instance().add(MailException.class, new ExceptionHandler() {
                public void handle(Throwable t) {
                    System.out.println("MailException handler");
            ExceptionUtil.handle(new ConsoleException());
            ExceptionUtil.handle(new SubConsoleException());
            ExceptionUtil.handle(new MailException());
            ExceptionUtil.handle(new SubMailException());
            //Null is not related to any class from the previous class's, it will be handled by the default handler for Throwable.class
            //which is printing the stack trace by default
            ExceptionUtil.handle(new NullPointerException());
            //We decided to override the default implantation for Throwable.class
            ExceptionHandlersFactory.instance().overrideImp(Throwable.class, new ExceptionHandler() {
                public void handle(Throwable t) {
                    System.out.println("Overridden handler");
            ExceptionUtil.handle(new NullPointerException());
        private static class ConsoleException extends RuntimeException{
        private static class SubConsoleException extends ConsoleException{
        private static class MailException extends RuntimeException{
        private static class SubMailException extends MailException {
  • Logging with localization out of the box
    LogFactory.getLogger(LogFactory.class).info("LOCALIZED_MSG", "Kiswani");
    Output : 
    INFO: this is localized msg from messages_en.properties thanks for Mr Kiswani
    LogFactory.getLogger(LogFactory.class).info("normal msg num {0} date {1}", Integer.MAX_VALUE, new Date());
    INFO: normal msg num 2,147,483,647 date 11/22/16 6:06 PM
  • Many Utilities, below is just examples

    • Formatter's
        System.out.println(FormatUtil.format("Mr {0} {1}", "Mohamed", "Kiswani"));
        System.out.println(FormatUtil.format(new Date()));
        System.out.println(FormatUtil.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd"));
        Mr Mohamed Kiswani
        11/22/16 6:16 PM
    • Json Handlers
        package javaff.samples.beans;
        import io.github.rhkiswani.javaff.json.JsonHandler;
        import io.github.rhkiswani.javaff.json.JsonHandlerFactory;
        public class Main {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
                Employee emp = new Employee();
                // comment jakson in pom.xml
                System.out.println("\n======================= Default based on class path ========================");
                // default json handler gson
                // when you uncomment jakson from the pom.xml
                System.out.println("\n======================= Force to use Gson By annotation ========================");
                // you want to have jakson for all the classes except the student , student should use Gson
                // you need to add @GsonBean
                Student std = new Student();
                System.out.println("\n======================= Custom Json Handler ========================");
                // you want to add your custom implantation
                // Note : if you set your custom it will be used everywhere
                JsonHandlerFactory.instance().setDefault(new MyJsonHandler());
            private static class MyJsonHandler implements JsonHandler {
                    public <T> T fromJson(String s, Class aClass) {
                        return null;
                public String toJson(Object o) {
                    return o.toString();
                public Object getImplementation() {
                    return MyJsonHandler.class;
            package javaff.samples.beans;
            import io.github.rhkiswani.javaff.json.annotations.GsonBean;
            public class Student extends Person{
                private int stdId;
                public int getStdId() {
                    return stdId;
                public void setStdId(int stdId) {
                    this.stdId = stdId;


Requires JDK 1.7 or higher.

Usage & Examples

Usage & Examples