React Portfolio

My updated portfolio built using React based on Ed Roh's portfolio tutorial.


The project was built with javascript, prettier to make the code easier to read, eslint (Airbnb and Prettier configurations) to find problems in the code, tailwindcss for inline styling, emailjs to handle the contact form, react-three for the globe, formik and yup for form validations, framer-motion for the animations, prop-types to declare the type of props for eslint, react-anchor-link-smooth-scroll to scroll the page smoothly when using the navigation dots, tsparticles for the footer's particle effect, react-typewriter effect for the typewriter effect, and Google Fonts.

How to run this project

  1. Open your terminal and type git clone
  2. To download the dependencies, cd into the react-portfolio folder and type npm install.
  3. Run this project by typing npm start.


  • User can view and scroll through a modern React portfolio with entry animations.
  • User can download a copy of my resume.
  • User can click any of the links to be taken to my linkedin, github, or instagram accounts.
  • User can hover over my image to make it appear in color.
  • User can zoom in and out of the globe, hold left-click to move the angle the user views the globe, and hold right-click to move the globe through space.
  • User can click any of the projects to view their github code.
  • User can send me an email about any inquiries.
  • User can view particles in the footer revealing a different background, and click to make the particles explode outward.
  • User can click any of the navbar links or the navigation dots to navigate to the respective part of the portfolio.
  • Responsive web design for all portrait and landscape devices.
  • Browser support for Edge/Internet Explorer.

Upcoming Features

  • Cross browser support for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari.
