
A simple demonstration that ties together the Twitter and Flickr APIs.

Primary LanguagePython

Install Python 2.4 or higher, the minimum version required by Django. I used Python 2.7 to develop this app.

Install Django 1.3. I used Django 1.2.3 to develop, but haven't found any problems with using 1.3, the latest stable version.
* http://www.djangoproject.com/download/1.3/tarball/
* Extract Django-1.3.tar.gz and cd into that directory.
* python setup.py install

Extract getty.zip wherever you'd like, such as ~/getty. You'll need to edit, run, or at least know of these files:
* getty/manage.py
* getty/settings.py
* getty/twickr.db

Edit settings.py to update the path for the SQLite DB to wherever you extracted the app. Point to the correct absolute path for the file twickr.db.

Configure a Flickr API key in settings.py. If you don't already have one, get one at: http://www.flickr.com/services/apps/create/apply

Run the Django development server:
* python manage.py runserver
* point browser to
* If flickrapi isn't installed properly, you'll get an ImportError in the browser.
* If you get an OperationalError (unable to open database file), check the path of the SQLite DB in settings.py.

The (rather slick) Django admin interface is available at if you'd like an easy way to look at the DB contents.
* username: admin password: admin

The SQLite database can be reset if desired:
* python manage.py flush

Unit tests can be run:
* python manage.py test twickr