
BigBlueButtonAPI.NET - BigBlueButton API .NET Standard SDK

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BigBlueButtonAPI.NET - BigBlueButton API .NET Standard SDK

It helps the .NET Framework application or the .NET Core application integrate with BigBlueButton API, quickly and easily.
NuGet package is available

What is BigBlueButton?

BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system for online learning.

BigBlueButtonAPI.NET Features:

  • It is built on .NET Standard 1.3. Any .NET platform that implements .NET Standard 1.3 can use it (.NET Framework 4.6 or higher, .NET Core, etc.).

  • It supports all of the latest BigBlueButton API 2.2:

    • Administration
    API Description
    create Creates a new meeting.
    getDefaultConfigXML Gets the default config.xml (these settings configure the BigBlueButton client for each user).
    setConfigXML Adds a custom config.xml to an existing meeting.
    join Joins a new user to an existing meeting.
    end Ends meeting.
    • Monitoring
    API Description
    isMeetingRunning Checks whether if a specified meeting is running.
    getMeetings Gets the list of Meetings.
    getMeetingInfo Gets the details of a Meeting.
    • Recording
    API Description
    getRecordings Gets a list of recordings.
    publishRecordings Enables publishing or unpublishing of a recording.
    deleteRecordings Deletes an existing recording.
    updateRecordings Updates metadata in a recording.
    getRecordingTextTracks Gets a list of the caption/subtitle.
    putRecordingTextTrack Uploads a caption or subtitle file to add it to the recording.
  • The BigBlueButtonAPI.Core.BigBlueButtonAPIClient class provides functions to call the BigBlueButton APIs.

    • The public methods:
    API Method
    create public async Task<CreateMeetingResponse> CreateMeetingAsync(CreateMeetingRequest request)
    getDefaultConfigXML public async Task<string> GetDefaultConfigXMLAsync(GetDefaultConfigXMLRequest request = null)
    setConfigXML public async Task<SetConfigXMLResponse> SetConfigXMLAsync(SetConfigXMLRequest request)
    join public string GetJoinMeetingUrl(JoinMeetingRequest request)
    end public async Task<EndMeetingResponse> EndMeetingAsync(EndMeetingRequest request)
    isMeetingRunning public async Task<IsMeetingRunningResponse> IsMeetingRunningAsync(IsMeetingRunningRequest request)
    getMeetings public async Task<GetMeetingsResponse> GetMeetingsAsync(GetMeetingsRequest request = null)
    getMeetingInfo public async Task<GetMeetingInfoResponse> GetMeetingInfoAsync(GetMeetingInfoRequest request)
    getRecordings public async Task<GetRecordingsResponse> GetRecordingsAsync(GetRecordingsRequest request=null)
    publishRecordings public async Task<PublishRecordingsResponse> PublishRecordingsAsync(PublishRecordingsRequest request)
    deleteRecordings public async Task<DeleteRecordingsResponse> DeleteRecordingsAsync(DeleteRecordingsRequest request)
    updateRecordings public async Task<UpdateRecordingsResponse> UpdateRecordingsAsync(UpdateRecordingsRequest request)
    getRecordingTextTracks public async Task<GetRecordingTextTracksResponse> GetRecordingTextTracksAsync(GetRecordingTextTracksRequest request)
    putRecordingTextTrack public async Task<PutRecordingTextTrackResponse> PutRecordingTextTrackAsync(PutRecordingTextTrackRequest request)

    Each method has similar style:

    Each method has a XXXRequest input parameter.

    Most of methods return Task<XXXResponse>, it contains the result data or error data: If the BigBlueButton API meets errors, the returncode of the response equals to Returncode.FAILED; the messageKey of the response is the error code; the message of the response is the error message.

    Only the GetDefaultConfigXMLAsync method and the GetJoinMeetingUrl method return string.

    • The constructor method:
    public BigBlueButtonAPIClient(BigBlueButtonAPISettings settings, HttpClient httpClient)

    The BigBlueButtonAPI.Core.BigBlueButtonAPISettings class contains the config data for the BigBlueButton API:

    The ServerAPIUrl property: The BigBlueButton server API endpoint (usually the server’s hostname followed by /bigbluebutton/api/, for example: http://yourserver.com/bigbluebutton/api/ ).

    The SharedSecret property: The shared secret code that is needed for the BigBlueButton server API. You can retrieve it using the command in your BigBlueButton server:
    $ bbb-conf --secret

  • It makes some enhancements: meta, recording, etc.


  • BigBlueButtonAPI.NET is built on .NET Standard 1.3. It depends these packages:
    • NETStandard.Library 1.6.1
    • Newtonsoft.Json 10.0.1
    • System.Reflection.TypeExtensions 4.3.0
    • System.Xml.XmlSerializer 4.3.0
  • The source project and samples projects are built by VS 2019.
  • How to use it in your ASP.NET Core project?
    • Add the reference BigBlueButtonAPI.NET.dll or install NuGet Package BigBlueButtonAPI.NET to your project.
    • If your project doesn't reference the NuGet Package Newtonsoft.Json 10.0.1 or higher, please add reference.
  • How to use it in your ASP.NET project?
    • You project should target .NET Framework 4.6 or higher.
    • Add the reference BigBlueButtonAPI.NET.dll or install NuGet Package BigBlueButtonAPI.NET to your project.
    • If your project doesn't reference the NuGet Package Newtonsoft.Json 10.0.1 or higher, please add reference.
    • If your project doesn't reference the NuGet Package System.Reflection.TypeExtensions 4.3.0 or higher, please add reference.
  • Code Sample
    Let's start a meeting (create a meeting and join it), client is the instance of BigBlueButtonAPIClient.
    public async Task<ActionResult> Start(StartModel model)
        if (!ModelState.IsValid) return View(model);
        //1. Create a meeting
        var responseCreateMeeting = await client.CreateMeetingAsync(new CreateMeetingRequest
            name = "Test Meeting",
            meetingID = model.Id
        //Check the response from the BigBlueButton server and return error if has error.
        if (responseCreateMeeting.returncode == Returncode.FAILED)
            ModelState.AddModelError("", responseCreateMeeting.message);
            return View(model);
        //2. Join the meeting as moderator
        var url = client.GetJoinMeetingUrl(new JoinMeetingRequest
            meetingID = model.Id,
            fullName = model.Name,
            password = responseCreateMeeting.moderatorPW
        return Redirect(url);