
Policy-based control for cloud native environments

Primary LanguageOpen Policy AgentMIT LicenseMIT

OPA Policy

Tools installed

Things we are testing for

Name Description Severity
API gateway integration URI Checks if the URI is in the correct format if the API gateway integration has a type of: AWS, AWS_PROXY, HTTP, or HTTP_PROXY DENY
Cloudwatch log metric pattern Checks if the Cloudwatch log metric pattern is valid WARN
Container name spaces Checks if ECS container definitions have a name with spaces in it DENY
Container definition trailing commas Checks if ECS container definitions have trailing commas in it DENY
Invalid effect IAM Policy Effect is only Approve or Deny DENY
Lambda VPC ENI permission A lambda attached to a VPC is missing the permissions to mange an ENI DENY
Postgres DB password Postgres DB password is:
  • greater than 8 characters
  • only has valid characters
  • is not on the reserved list
Postgres DB username Postgres DB username is:
  • greater than 16 characters
  • only has valid characters
  • is not on the reserved list
Postgres DB name Postgres DB name is:
  • is not on the reserved list
Security group invalid ports Deny if protocol is set to -1 but the port range is not set to 0 DENY
Tagging All resources that allow tags have a CostCentre and Terraform tag WARN
Unscoped IAM Service Roles All IAM policies that have a service user as the Principal should have a condition limiting access to the account. (sts:AssumeRole actions are excepted) WARN
Unsupported Lambda runtime Checks if the lambda runtime is unsupported DENY
WAF duplicate priorities Checks if the WAF rule has duplicate priorities DENY

How to run tests

Run the following command to run opa tests:

  make test

Run the following command to generate tf.plan to run against the test environment:

  make generate-plan

Run the following command to run conftest against an example tf.plan:

  make test-plan