
A set of classes and modules for .Net development

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


MetaPubSub is an implementation of the publish/subscribe pattern - when the publisher and subscriber know nothing of each other but can exchange messages. It's fast, lightweight and beside basic functionality has some cool features:

  • interprocess communication - messages can be sent between different processes and computers
  • awaitable methods, for example, you can await Publish and wait until all subscribers have finished processing the message
  • at least once delivery check - you can opt in to have an exception if no one subscribed to your message
  • message filtering - you can define a predicate to subscribe only those messages you want to process
  • timeout to wait for a subscriber - your message can be queued and wait until someone subscribed and processed it
  • scheduling a message - your message can be queued and published after a time delay
  • request-response pattern - send a message and wait for the response as a single awaitable method, without need to Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the response message
  • cancellation token support - you can cancel scheduling or waiting for the message
  • exceptions handling - all exceptions raised when a message processing by subscribers can be caught by the publisher as an AggregateException

MetaPipeServer and MetaPipeConnection are used to simplify inter-process communication using named pipes. The module utilizes NamedPipeServerStream and NamedPipeClientStream for message transmission. System.Text.Json is used for object serialization before sending. The main features of the module include:

  • automatic connection recovery in case of disconnection
  • transmission of strings, byte arrays, and arbitrary objects
  • sending an arbitrary object and waiting for the response in a single method call.

PubSubPipe extends the capabilities of the MetaPubSub module by adding the ability to exchange messages between processes or computers.

StateMachine is a simple and easy to use state machine implementation. It is thread-safe and can be used in a concurrent environment. See the implementation of the MetaPipeConnection class for an example of usage.

NuGet packages

To install the Meta.Lib run the following command:

PM> Install-Package Meta.Lib 


Ver. 2.0.0

Note: this version has breaking changes. See migration guide.

  • MetaPubSub has been separated into three modules - local PubSub, Pipe, and PubSubPipe. PubSub – is a local publisher/subscriber implementation. Pipe – is a wrapper on NamedPipeServerStream and NamedPipeClientStream to simplify interprocess communication. PubSubPipe – is a wrapper on both PubSub and Pipe which adds interprocess communication ability for PubSub via Pipe.
  • Added ConcurrentStateMachine.
  • Custom Logger implementation replaced with ILogger from the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging namespace.
  • Removed IPubSubMessage interface. You don't need to derive your message classes from this interface anymore.
  • Performance improvements.

Ver. 1.1.3

Note: this version has breaking changes.

  • IPubSubMessage.Timeout renamed to WaitForSubscriberTimeout.
  • Added IPubSubMessage.ResponseTimeout - Time interval during which the response message must be received otherwise the TimeoutException will be thrown. Used in IMetaPubSub.Process() and IMetaPubSub.ProcessOnServer().
  • Removed parameter millisecondsTimeout from IMetaPubSub.Process() and IMetaPubSub.ProcessOnServer(). Use IPubSubMessage.ResponseTimeout instead.
  • Fixed bug: timeout in IMetaPubSub.Process() and IMetaPubSub.ProcessOnServer() always use it's default value of 5 sec.

Ver. 1.1.2

  • Added TryConnectToServer & TrySubscribeOnServer.
  • Added a match predicate to SubscribeOnServer method.
  • Added Connected/Disconnected built-in messages.
  • Added a delegate method to create a pipe with non-default parameters.

Ver. 1.1.1

  • Interprocess communication implemented.