A tool to keep track of Axie Infinity Scholar daily performances
- python>=3.9
- sqlite3
For the sake of simplicity in this guide we are using the root user; actually it's advised to use a specific user and consequently adjust all the paths.
- clone the repository in
(or in some other path you have write access)
~# cd /opt
/opt# git clone git@github.com:dzanotelli/axie-scholar-tracker.git
- create a new virtualenv somewhere (e.g. in
), and activate it
~# virtualenv -ppython3 axieST_venv
~# ./axieST_venv/bin/activate
(axieST_venv) ~#
- install the requirements with
(axieST_venv) ~# pip install -r /opt/axie-scholar-tracker/requirements.txt
- init the database
(axieST_venv) ~# cd /opt/axie-scholar-tracker/
(axieST_venv) /opt/axie-scholar-tracker/# python axieST.py init_db
Initing empty database ...done.
- copy the crontab file
. This will activate the retrieveing of data of your scholars every day at midnight.
Adjust paths in this file if you used custom directories (check the file for more).
Please check
(venv) $ python axieST.py --help
to get the list of the available actions and
(venv) $ python axieST.py action_help <action>
to get help about a specific action.
- add a new scholar
(axieST_venv) ~# python axieST.py add_scholar internal_id='#1'
ronin_id=fa5ea3...741b name="Bruce Wayne" battle_name=batman
- list scholars
(axieST_venv) ~# python axieST.py list_scholars
internal_id | name | battle_name | join_date | is_active | ronin_id
#1 | Bruce Wayne | batman | 2022-01-01 10:01:00.487522 | True | a5ea3...741b
so you can retrieve the internal_id
if you forgot it
- get scholar data
(axieST_venv) ~# python axieST.py get_tracks internal_id=#1
which will extract scholar's data of the last N days (default is 14 days).
IMPORTANT! It's possibile to use the flag format
to get data in json
or csv, e.g.:
(axieST_venv) ~# python axieST.py get_tracks internal_id=#1 format=csv
1,2022-01-03 00:00:00.000001,1372,1482,1517,1517,,0,0,2021-02-30 03:59:50,2021-03-14 03:59:50,[OvumEsports] Mr. Batman
2,2022-01-04 00:00:00.000004,1388,1330,1728,1728,,0,0,2021-02-30 03:59:50,2021-03-14 03:59:50,[OvumEsports] Mr. Batman
and of course appending ... format=csv > data.csv
to the command line is
possible to save data to file.