
A chef cookbook for grafana (A Graphite Dashboard and Graph Editor)

Primary LanguageRuby

grafana Cookbook

Installs Grafana with nginx or apache backend.




  • default['grafana']['revision'] - the revision to install, default: 58dbb01e76f4412ee150e86587296de0bb83aba9
  • default['grafana']['install_dir'] - installation directory, default: "/opt/grafana"
  • default['grafana']['repo'] - repository to checkout from, default: "https://github.com/torkelo/grafana.git"
  • default['grafana']['elasticsearch_url'] - elasticserach url. there is a possiblity to use js as well. default: '"http://"+window.location.hostname+":9200"'
  • default['grafana']['graphite_url'] - graphite url. there is a possiblity to use js as well. '"http://"+window.location.hostname+":8080"'
  • default['grafana']['port'] - port the web server will listen to. defaults to 80. e.g.


First include grafana::default which clones the grafana repository from github and changes the configuration based on the given attributes. Then you could ether include grafana::nginx or grafana::apache to install a server. Feel free to only include the default recipe and use any other server/cookbook.

License and Authors

Authors: Fewbytes