GodMode is customizable semi-automatic admin interface generator that lets you add an admin interface to any SQL database. It is written in Python 3.x and Flask, with superpower of WTForms and SQLAlchemy reflections.
GodMode automatically creates CRUD pages for any table in your database, with an ability to customize rows and views, create filters, batch actions and to manage access policies for users and groups.
Inspired by Django Admin Interface and Flask-Admin extension, it has been designed as a standalone application. It's not necessary to have your app written using Django, Flask or even in Python at all. All you need is a SQL database. GodMode has been tested on several pet projects and projects of medium startups. The interface is good for a quick start since you can make a simple CRUD using just a few lines of code and add additional functionality with growth of your product.
GodMode is more suitable for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite. It also supports other SQLAlchemy drivers such as Firebird, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and Sybase. They were not officially tested though, so pull-requests and issue reports are welcome.
Demo user and password: demo/demo.
Make sure that you have Python 3.x. Python 2.x is not supported.
Clone this repository, install all the requirements and run app.py.
$ git clone https://github.com/vas3k/GodMode2.git
$ cd GodMode2
$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 app.py
Then open your browser at localhost:1488, enter demo/demo to access the demo version of the main screen.
For example, your PostgreSQL database on localhost
is called dbname
and you have the users
table in the database you want to manage.
Then your DSN is postgresql+psycopg2://username:password@localhost/dbname
Check if you have access to the database from your computer before you move to the first step.
First step: create new file in db
directory and name it my.py
, for example.
You can use demo.py
as an example.
If you're familiar with SQLAlchemy it will be easy.
import sqlalchemy as sa
from base.db import BaseDatabase
class MyDatabase(BaseDatabase):
dsn = "postgresql+psycopg2://username:password@postgres.example.com/dbname"
MyDatabase.bind() # you need to call bind() before any table declarations
class User(MyDatabase.TableBase):
__table__ = sa.Table("users", MyDatabase.metadata, autoload=True)
# you can declare your table columns here, but autoload=True will try to do it for you
Second step: create new model file for user administration in models
directory. For example users.py
from base.model import BaseAdminModel
from db.my import MyDatabase, User
class UsersAdminModel(BaseAdminModel):
db = MyDatabase
table = User
name = "users" # for URL's
title = "Users" # for sidebar
icon = "icon-user"
Third step: modify app.py
file in the root directory and specify your database and model classes.
import settings
from godmode import GodModeApp
from db.my import MyDatabase
from models.users import UsersAdminModel
app = GodModeApp(
if settings.DEBUG:
Now run $ python3 app.py
and open localhost:1488. You should see your Users table in the sidebar.
Great, you've just created your first simple CRUD for users
table. Check the Usage section to learn how to configure it.
Probably, all of these steps will be automated with a script one day.
# how to connect to your database
class FirstDatabase(BaseDatabase):
dsn = "sqlite:///internal/demo.sqlite"
# bind your database class with engine (call it before any table declaration!)
# you can even have multiple databases (it's better to describe them in separate files though)
class SecondDatabase(BaseDatabase):
dsn = "postgresql+psycopg2://username:password@postgres.example.com/dbname"
# describe a couple of tables
class User(FirstDatabase.TableBase):
__table__ = sa.Table('users', FirstDatabase.metadata, autoload=True)
class Post(FirstDatabase.TableBase):
__table__ = sa.Table('posts', FirstDatabase.metadata, autoload=True)
# if you want GodMode to make fast links for you
user = relationship('User')
Now, tell GodMode about all your databases by editing app.py
app = GodModeApp(
databases=[DemoDatabase, SecondDatabase],
class YourAdminModel(BaseAdminModel):
db = FirstDatabase # database class
table = User # table class
acl = ACL.ADMIN # lowest ACL group who has access to this model
name = "my_table" # name for url building (must be unique)
title = "My Table" # title for sidebar
icon = "icon-loadingeight" # icon from webhostinghub.com/glyphs/
index = 0 # higher index -> higher position
place = "sidebar" # "sidebar" (left) or "navbar" (top)
group = None # group class (see Groups section)
actions = [] # default actions for all views (see Actions section)
enable_log = False # turn off activity logging for this model
excluded_fields_for_log = ["password"] # exclude "password" field from activity log
fields = [ # default fieldset for all views
id_field = "id" # primary key field (for relative linking)
widgets = { # custom widget classes for certain fields
"name": NameWidget,
"is_locked": BooleanWidget,
"my_custom_field_that_not_in_database": MyCustomWidget
# use BaseListView to display this table (default behaviour)
list_view = BaseListView
# do not generate create, edit and delete views,
# for example for read-only tables
edit_view = None
create_view = None
delete_view = None
# you can make your custom details view based on BaseDetailsView
# for example if you want to use your own template
class CustomDetailsView(BaseDetailsView):
template = "views/my_custom_details.html"
widgets = {...}
details_view = CustomDetailsView # see Views section for more info
Now return to app.py
file to specify new models for your app.
app = GodModeApp(
databases=[FirstDatabase, SecondDatabase],
models=[YourAdminModel] # put new model here
class MyListView(BaseListView):
acl = ACL.MODERATOR # lowest ACL group who has access to this view
title = "My List" # title for HTML
template = "list.html" # you can specify your template for this view
fields = [...] # same as "fields" in model, but specific for this view
sorting = ["id", "name"] # fields allowed for sorting (default = None — all fields)
batch_actions = [MyBatchAction] # see screenshot above
object_actions = [MyObjectAction]
max_per_page = 100
has_list_delete = True # if you have DeleteView but want to hide [x] button from ListView
default_sorting = "id desc" # default ordering, better specify in SQLAlchemy manner: User.id.desc()
widgets = {
"name": TextWidget # overwrite or append model widgets
class MyAction(BaseAction):
title = "Ban"
name = "ban"
enable_log = True
# defines how to render the form of this action (if it has a form)
def render_form(self, *args, **kwargs):
return render_template("actions/button_action.html", url=self.name, button_label="Submit")
# some code, triggered with action; kwargs have all request parameters
# but all you usually need is kwargs["id"]
def do_item_action(self, *args, **kwargs):
user_id = kwargs.pop("id")
self.model.update(id=user_id, is_banned=True)
return render_template("success.html", message="User {} was banned".format(id))
Widgets are powered by a great WTForms library for form parsing, validation and rendering. They are responsible for rendering in all the views — create, list, details, delete. If you're familiar with WTForms, you have all the superpowers in your hands. Otherwise, check the documentation.
You can also create widgets which are completely independent from WTForms. Check widgets/polygon.py
for example.
class MyWidget(BaseWidget):
filterable = True # allows you to filter by this field
field = wtforms.StringField() # field class from WTForms
field_kwargs = {"style": "max-width: 100px;"} # kwargs for WTForms Field rendering
# how to render this field in EditView
def render_edit(self, form=None, item=None):
# default implementation with WTForm rendering, but it can be overridden
# how to render this field in ListView
def render_list(self, item):
value = getattr(item, self.name, None)
return jinja2.escape(str(value)) if value is not None else "null"
# how to render this field in DetailsView
def render_details(self, item):
return self.render_list(item)
Groups allow you to combine models into logical sets in the sidebar. Models without a group have higher priority and displayed at the top of the sidebar.
class MyGroup(BaseGroup):
acl = ACL.MODERATOR # you can hide the whole group from users lower than MODERATOR level
name = "Group name" # title to display in sidebar
index = 1000 # higher index -> higher position
ACLs and their priorities are defined in common/acl.py
You can create any group for yourself but don't forget to put it into PRIORITY list.
- SUPERUSER is a group of users with highest privileges. They have permission to do everything in GodMode. Use carefully. Usually 1 superuser per project is enough.
- ADMINs have all the permissions to edit the databases but they cannot create and manage other GodMode users.
- MODERATORs are read-only users by default. You can hide any models, views, groups and actions from moderators.
- ALL specifies that module is visible even for unauthorized users. It was made for login screen — don't know how it can be useful for you.
Policies are written in a bad and unoptimized way, so large refactoring is needed. Do not use it for now.
Buy more beer- Fix HTML/CSS bugs (maybe make a redesign)
- Make Widgets Great Again (+sexy appearance)
- Support default values from more database drivers
- Rewrite policies
- Security test for XSS and SQL injections (be careful with that; check all the models you create and send me pull requests)
- Think about better filtering/sorting interface
- Make an install~~.php~~ file for easier cold start
- More AJAX for validation and inline editing, probably
Other great projects of automatic admin interfaces:
vas3k (c) 2016+
Licensed under the WTFPL license. Full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.