PHP notes for beginners


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Basic knowledge of programming

What's included ?

Those notes will walk through Learning PHP the right way .. Topics covered include :

  1. What is PHP ?
  2. Why you should learn PHP ?
  3. Download and setup (Editor, Server, MySQL etc )
  4. Your First Programm .. the infamous Hello World
  5. Comments : How to write comments, Why to use them?
  6. Variables & Types in PHP
  7. Number Built-in Functions
  8. String Built-in Functions
  9. Arrays, Built-in Functin
  10. Conditionals : if-else , elseif, switch
  11. Loops : While, do-while, for
  12. Functions in PHP : how to write a function ?
  13. Including files in PHP
  14. Working with file system
  15. Introduction to OOP
  16. CURL
  17. Project one : Your first Crud application
    1. Superglobals ($_GET, $_POST, $_FILES .. etc)
    2. Form validation
    3. Uploading Images
    4. working with file system
    5. MySQL
  18. Namespaces,, Autoloading & Composer
  19. Custom Router (mini MVC Framework)
  20. Sessions, Cookies