
By Michael Holm (@MindTheMonkey), Ayumi Gorbacheva (@agorbacheva-y), Preeti Vadali (@preetivadali) and Daniel Read (@bezerkt1)


The problem

Lendify is a platform for people to post and browse items they might want to share or borrow.

The platform is meant to help reduce waste, help those with less means and improve local collaboration by giving access to things people can share. Users can put up their things to lend with others either for free or for a price/deposit and others can browse these, get in contact and arrange to borrow items.

As for which of the 2030 goals we believe it helps with goals 1 (End poverty in all its forms everywhere) and 17 (Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development). Although on a small scale as it would depend on local participation and relies on people being able to share. This gives people access to products they might not normally be able to afford but could improve their life by allowing them to do jobs more efficiently or that they normally could not do. For those sharing it gives more purpose to their purchases as they might only be using them once or twice (I am sure we all have some perfectly good tools laying around gathering dust!).

To be added

  • Improve accessibility
  • Add more styles
  • Multilingual support
  • Messaging to organise the loaning
  • Adding more search and filter functions



The project can be viewed live below instead of installing.

  1. Fork and clone this repository to your computer
  2. Install required dependencies with npm: npm install
  3. Start the project: npm run dev
  4. In the browser go to http://localhost:5173


The first page you will see is a log in form where you can also create an user account if you do not have one already.


The email should have a valid format (example@example.com), the username should be at least 6 alphanumerical (can include .-_) characters and the password should be at least 8 characters long.

After creating a user and logging in it will redirect you to the home page where you can see a list of items and at the top there is a map displaying where the items are.

There is a bottom navigation menu with links to the different parts of the webpage such as favorites, adding items and searching.

Items can be favorited by pressing on the heart next to their name and you can view all your favorites in the favorites page.

View it live

The project can be viewed on Netlify on the following link https://earnest-horse-76c12f.netlify.app/