Slashtags Feeds

A library for creating and managing feeds using Hyperdrive and Hyperswarm.


Initiate the library.

const feeds = new Feeds();
const feedID = feeds.randomID();
await feeds.update(feedID, 'balance', 1000);


const feeds = new Feeds(storage, [opts])

Create a Feeds instance.

storage Storage directory to save feeds at. Defaults to os.homedir() + '/.slashtags-feeds/'

opts includes:

  • metadata: an object of metadata files to be saved along the data. example { schema: schema }


Generate a random string id to be used as the feedID.

await feeds.feed(feedID)

Returns the feed key and encryptionKey for a given feed, identified by any serializable id. It awaits until the feed is announced on the swarm.

await feeds.update(feedID, key, value)

Updates a feed. key is a string, and value is a serializable JSON object.

await feeds.get(feedID, key)

Returns a value from a feed.

await feeds.close()

Gracefully closing feeds and freeing IO resources.

await feeds.destroy(feedID)

Destroys all stored data for the feed.

How it works

As of this first version, Slashtags feeds is a directory on top of Hyperdrive with the current structure:

├── feed
│   ├── foo
│   ├── bar
└── slashfeed.json

Where slashfeed.json defines the name, image and other future metadata about the feed. And feed directory contains the feed files, where each file represents a key value pair.