
Populates the data for the Bitcoin stats widget.

The feed contains current data on the following Bitcoin properties...

  • Block Height
  • Last Block Time
  • Transaction Count
  • Block Size
  • Block Weight
  • Difficulty
  • Merkle Root
  • Mempool Transactions
  • Mempool Size
  • Mempool Total Fees
  • Fee Estimate, Next Block
  • Fee Estimate, 30m
  • Fee Estimate, 60m
  • Fee Estimate, Slow
  • Fee Estimate, Min

The feed also contains a 'last block' field that contains a json blob with a collection of the above data in it. The json contains the following...

    height: <block height>,
    timestamp: <timestamp of last block>,
    transactionCount: <tx count>,
    size: <size of block>,
    weight: <weight of block>,
    difficulty: <difficulty>,
    hash: <blocks hash>,
    merkleRoot: <blocks merkle root>