
All of my other projects are using NoSQL DB's, but the learning never stops. In regards to that, this would be a simplified clone of my "node-book-shop" app built for the sole purpose of practicing MySQL + Sequelize ORM.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Node SQL Shop 🛒

Overview 👀

Node SQL Shop is a simplified clone of the Node Book Shop app built for the sole purpose of practicing MySQL + Sequelize ORM. All of the other projects by the author are using NoSQL DB's, but the learning never stops. This app allows users to browse, add, edit, and delete products and orders using a relational database.

Screenshot of the app

Tech Stack Used 🛠️

Tech Docs Description
Node.js logo Node.js A JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
Express logo Express A web application framework for Node.js that provides a set of features for web and mobile applications.
MySQL logo MySQL An open-source relational database management system that uses SQL as its query language.
Sequelize logo Sequelize A promise-based Node.js ORM for MySQL that supports transactions, relations, validations, and migrations.
EJS logo EJS A simple templating language that lets you generate HTML markup with plain JavaScript.

Contributing 🙌

Contributions are always welcome! If you would like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository. 🍴
  2. Create a new branch. 🌵
  3. Make your changes and test them thoroughly. 👨‍💻
  4. Submit a pull request. ✔

Deployment 🚀

This app is deployed on Render, a cloud platform that makes it easy to build and run applications and websites with free SSL, a global CDN, private networks and auto deploys from Git.

You can check out the live version of the app here.

License 📑

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Credits 👨🏻‍💻

This repo was created by Dzenis H.

Contributions are more than welcome. 🫡

If you like what you see, please consider giving a ⭐️