clj-stingray is a Clojure client for the Riverbed Stingray Traffic Manager load-balancer application. The API version this client wraps is 3.2 which comes with Stingray Traffic Manager 9.8 release. Both REST and SOAP protocols are supported.
At the moment clj-stingray implements a few basic APIs to access pools and enabled nodes in read-only mode. More support for advanced operation will come in the future.
[clj-stingray "0.1.2"]
to your project.clj. Here's an example snippet:
(ns your-prj
(:require [clj-stingray.core :as stingray]))
; retrieve all pools
; retrieve pool data by name
(stingray/pool "yourpool")
See the options below. clj-stingray integrates with leiningen environment map through environ for all local development needs. It also accepts overrides as environment properties or JVM properties for production environment. Finally, it offers a programmatic way to override properties with a rebindable dynamic env var.
If you pick "development" or "production" style below, you will need "lein-environ" dependencies in your project.clj :plugins section (lein-environ is responsible for reading environments).
A file called sample_profiles.clj is provided to you in the main clj-stingray project directory:
- Copy sample_profiles.clj into your project root
- Rename sample_profiles.clj to profiles.clj
- Change the relevant values inside it to point to your Stingray development environment
- Add the following lines inside your project.clj so clj-stingray can pick up envirnment variables when running lein repl:
:aliases {"repl" ["with-profile" "+dev-cfg" "repl"]}
- Create similar aliases for other lein tasks (e.g. test) as needed
- Alternatively, the same variables can be added to ~/.lein/profiles.clj or the project.clj in your project:
{:stingray {:protocol :rest ;(or :soap)
:rest {:host "https://thehost"
:port "port-as-string"
:endpoint "api/tm/2.0"
:basic-auth-enabled? true
:basic-auth-user "rest"
:basic-auth-pwd "rest"
:insecure? true}
:soap {:host "https://thesoaphost"
:port "port-as-string"
:endpoint "soap"
:basic-auth-enabled? true
:basic-auth-user "soap"
:basic-auth-pwd "soap"
:insecure? true}}}
Just make sure the same variables in profile.clj above are exported as shell environment variables when your application is run, for example:
If the configuration for your project is coming from other than the classpath, files or system environment (for example a db or zookeeper) you can fetch the variables and pass them down to clj-stingray as follow:
(ns your-prj
(:require [clj-stingray.core :as stingray]
[clj-stingray.config :refer [*env*]]))
; retrieve all pools using a custom config
(binding [*env* {}]
(stingray/pool "yourpool"))
Just change the :protocol key in configuration to switch between soap/rest protocols. The relevant section of the configuration will be used. No other changes are necessary.
If you happen to incur in a "unable to find valid certification path to requested target" exception (because the target SOAP server is returning an untrusted certificate) do the following, replacing hostname:port with the target SOAP server hostname and port:
openssl x509 -in <(openssl s_client -connect hostname:port -prexit 2>/dev/null) -out ~/example.crt
sudo keytool -importcert -file ~/example.crt -alias example -keystore $(/usr/libexec/java_home)/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit
lein midje
will run all tests.
- extract rest of the URL into config
- Travis-CI integration
- CLI interface