
Simple API to mark students Attendance.
You need Python, with Flask installed to use this.

How to run

  1. git clone to clone the repo 2
  2. cd attendance-api
  3. mkdir Database/Classes to create the database for JSON files
  4. python3 to run the file

How to use

/attend, POST

Mark a student attendance, expected headers with Content-Type: application/json with the following data:

    "class-id": "string", 
    "student-id": "string" 

All expected responses:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Attended {student-id} in {class-id}" ,
    "data": null
    "status": 300,
    "message": "Student {student-id} is already attended in {class-id}",
    "data": null,
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Student {student-id} is added as attended in {class-id}",
    "data": null

If the POST body is not in JSON, or no Content-Type:application/json on headers will result in JSON decode error, or status:500.

/attendance/class-id, GET

Get students has attended in class class-id.
All expected responses:

    "status": 400, 
    "message": "Class doesn't exist", 
    "data": null
    "message": "Success fetching data for class {class-id}",
    "data": ["student-id"]