Super minimal port of timeago-react to work with Preact, supporting a subset of the timeago-react props.
npm install preact-timeago
Library depends on timeago.js.
const { h, render } = require('preact');
const TimeAgo = require('preact-timeago');
const Content = ({ datetime }) => (
<section class="content">
<TimeAgo datetime={datetime} live={true} />
render(<Content datetime="2016-10-10 10:10:10" />, document.body);
is required and timeago.js will do its best to format what it's given, one of:
- datetime string
- Date instance
- timestamp
defaults to false
, determines whether the time should update if the datetime
prop changes.
I had no need in the project that this came from to keep locale-based formatting, so 'en'
is the only supported locale with this module.
Pull requests welcome! This project isn't intended to closely track its React counterpart but instead provide similar but minimal functionality to Preact users.