Supporting material for the manuscript "Modeling Intensive Longitudinal Data With Mixtures of Nonparametric Trajectories and Time-Varying Effects" by Dziak, Li, Tan, Shiffman & Shiyko, submitted to Psychological Methods. This code facilitates fitting of MixTVEMs (mixtures of time-varying effects models).

Primary LanguageSASGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

This repository contains links to a SAS macro (TVEM_Mix_Normal.sas) and an R function (MixTVEM.r) to implement the MixTVEM method as described in "Modeling Intensive Longitudinal Data With Mixtures of Nonparametric Trajectories and Time-Varying Effects" (Dziak, Li, Tan, Shiffman, and Shiyko, 2015, submitted to Psychological Methods). The complete analysis code (AnalysisCode.zip) is available in compressed form. The current version of the software assumes that data are correlated over time within participants, which is the usual situation in real-world research. If data are assumed to be independent on each occasion, as in some simulations, then the older version of the SAS code (link to TVEM_Mix_Normal_OldVersion.sas) or the older version of the R code (link to MixTVEM_OldVersion.r) may be more useful. The older code is not as realistic or reliable so we recommend the newer code. Tutorial examples with instructions are also available. We have demonstration R code (link to DemonstrateMixTvem.r), instructions for the R demonstration (link to R-Mixtvem-Tutorial.pdf), demonstration SAS code (link to DemonstrateMixTvem.sas), and instructions for the SAS demonstration (link to SAS-Mixtvem-Tutorial.pdf).