
Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple component to integrate with react router


  1. component prototyping with Storybook
  2. focused snapshot testing with Jest


A wrapper component for Google Geocode API


  1. strict interfaces with typescript
  2. usage of the thirdparty (Google API) typescript definitions for seamless integration
  3. integration with redux form is in a separate HOC component, so component can be used separately or inside a redux form
  4. use of redux-saga for handling side effects


Integration with backend API.

A collection of functions to query relational data, normalize data and store in redux store, a collection of selectors to query data from redux store (inspired by the Apollo framework)


  1. store is normalized
  2. works with reactive UI layer (based on Reselect library)


Integration with Pusher for real-time traffic.


  1. subscribe/unsubscribe to relevant real-time events on specific router state changes
  2. refresh subscriptions in case of a page refresh


Integration with Circle CI 2.0 for building, testing, and deployment


  1. 3-step deploy to production
  2. End-to-end testing, more info on how we do testing please check out my series of articles: Part 1 and Part 2