- curl-logger: Java library to log HTTP requests sent by REST-assured as CURL commands.
- pystempel: Python port of Stempel, an algorithmic stemmer for Polish language, originally written in Java.
- tree-labeller: Helps label training data using taxonomy information.
- Replacing test frameworks with test libraries, 2018-09-05
- Teaching test automation: industry meets academia, 2016-07-27
- Isolating bugs with REST services, 2018-09-05
- Technical testers: mistakes to avoid during interview, 2016-05-26
- Anti-patterns in test automation, 2016-05-23
- M. Gawinecki, W. Szmyd, M. Walas, U. Żuchowicz (2021): What makes a movie good recommendation? Feature selection for Content-Based Filtering. International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications.
- M. Gawinecki, G. Cabri, M. Paprzycki, M. Ganzha (2012): Evaluation of Structured Collaborative Tagging for Web Service Matchmaking. Semantic Web Services, Advancement through Evaluation: 173-189.
- S. Sorrentino, S. Bergamaschi, M. Gawinecki (2011): NORMS: An automatic tool to perform schema label normalization. International Conference on Data Engineering: 1344-1347.
- K. Chmiel, D. Tomiak, M. Gawinecki, P. Kaczmarek, M. Szymczak, M. Paprzycki (2004): Testing the Efficiency of JADE Agent Platform. Third International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing/Third International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE.