
Python lemmatizer for Polish.

Primary LanguagePython

# Work in progress. Not ready to use yet.

Lemmatizer for Polish

Python library to provide lemmas and morphological categories for tokenized text in Polish.

How to use

Install in your local environment:

pip install lemmatizer-pl

Use in your code:

> import toygger

> lemmatizer = toygger.Lemmatizer()
> tokens = lemmatizer.lemmatize('Gdzie byłeś wczoraj wieczorem, kolego?'.split())
> for token in tokens:
>  print(f'{token.token} {token.lemma} {token.pos}')

gdzie gdzie okolicznik
byłeś być czasownik
wczoraj wczoraj okolicznik
wieczorem wieczór okolicznik
kolego kolega rzeczownik


Time to load warm up (loading dictionary and wordnet) Time to predict for xxxx tokens: ???s (???s/token) Time to analyze and predict for xxxx tokens: ???s (???s/token)

Disambiguation accuracy on token level:
Average: ?? % For tokens with more than one ctag candidate: ?? % For POS category only


The whole process is decomposed into three stages:

  1. morphological analysis is a dictionary look-up, resulting in sets of possible lemmas and tags assigned to each token.
  2. morphosyntactic disambiguation, ruling out contextually inappropriate tags assigned during the previous stage.
  3. lemmatization, selecting lemmas for disambiguated tags.

Morphological analysis looks in one of provided dictionaries.

Morphological disambiguation use refactored version of Toygger tagger that won PolEval 2017 contest and has been described in:

  • Krasnowska-Kieraś Katarzyna (2017). Morphosyntactic disambiguation for Polish with bi-LSTM neural networks. In Zygmunt Vetulani and Patrick Paroubek (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, pp. 367–371, Poznań, Poland. Fundacja Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.

Here's network model used for NKJP tagset:


Tagsets and dictionaries

Tags provided during morphological analysis come from a tagset. This requires the dictionary to use tagset and disambiguation model to be trained on samples annotated in the same tagset. If you need to use a different tagset, you need to have dictionary using it and train disambiguation model on samples annotated with the new tagset.

  • NKJP tagset, dictionary, pretrained model,
  • Polimorf tagset,

Setting up dev environment

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate lemmatizer-env

You may want to install custom build of tensorflow, e.g.: here are binaries for Windows: https://github.com/fo40225/tensorflow-windows-wheel/tree/master/1.13.1/py37/CPU/avx2

How to train


Morfeusz performs both segmentation (tokenization) and morphological analysis.

That would require segmentation to be disambiguated as well. I wanted input for POS tagging to be dismabiguated first.

Unlike Morfeusz, this solution

never splits orthographic ("space-to-space") words into smaller dictionary words (i.e. so-called agglutination is not considered). E.g. in "Coś zrobił?" the word "coś" can be either interpreted as a noun (meaning "Czy on coś zrobił?") or as a noun "co" with past tense suffix "ś" (meaning "Co zrobiłeś"?). It simply assumes sentence has been segmented before morphological analysis.

Formy: https://github.com/morfologik/polimorfologik/blob/master/src/README.Polish.txt



Lemmatizer code - GPL license, inherited from Toyyger Dictionary - Pretrained disambiguation model - * FastText: Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.,

https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ E. Grave*, P. Bojanowski*, P. Gupta, A. Joulin, T. Mikolov, Learning Word Vectors for 157 Languages https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.06893

Word vectors: