
An Android SDK that wraps Qype API

Primary LanguageJava

Qype API SDK for Android

Register a new application on this site to get a App key and a App Secret.

Download and install the Android SDK

Create a new Android Project

  • Open Eclipse
  • Create a new Android Project : File > New > Project > Android Project
  • Set a project name, for example "QypeSample"
  • Select : "Create project from existing source"
  • Specify the directory where you have unzip the QypeSample downloaded project
  • Click "Finish"

Add INTERNET permission

If it's not already done in your project, you must add the INTERNET permission in your AndroidManifest file.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


You need to provide to your users a system to connect to Qype. To do that, you just need to instantiate a Qype object with your Application key and Application Secret and call authorize(). Authorize method open a webpage in a dialog to prompt the user to login to his Qype account and grant the application to access to his account. This method is asynchronous and you have a callback interface for notifying the calling application when the authentication dialog has completed, failed, or been canceled.

Qype mQype = new Qype(mContext, QYPE_APP_KEY, QYPE_APP_SECRET);
mQype.authorize(new QypeOAuthListener() {
	@Override public void onQypeOAuthComplete() {}

	@Override public void onQypeOAuthCancel() {}

	@Override public void onQypeOAuthError(int errorCode, String description, String failingUrl) {}

Test if user is already logged in

To provide a more useful user experience and doesn't prompt for credentials all the time, you can use the isLoggedIn() method on the Qype object.

if(mQype.isLoggedIn()) {
	// do something


It's important to provide to your users a way to disconnect from Qype and clear locally stored tokens. To do that, you just need to call logOut() method on the Qype object.

// disconnect user