
RTR-NetTest Open Source repository

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Open-RMBT is an open source, multi-threaded bandwidth test written in Java and C, consisting of:

  • command line client
  • Java Applet client
  • Android client
  • control Servlet based on Restlet
  • map Servlet based on Restlet
  • statistics Servlet based on Restlet
  • qos test server

Open-RMBT is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. It was developed by the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR-GmbH).

The following projects are distributed in this release:

  • RMBTSharedCode - common libraries and classes
  • RMBTUtil - common libraries and classes
  • RMBTControlServer - Servlet acting as control server for the clients
  • RMBTMapServer - Servlet acting as map server
  • RMBTStatisticServer - Servlet acting as statistics server
  • RMBTQoSServer - qos test server
  • RMBTClient - client code used by RMBTAndroid, the command line client and the Applet
  • RMBTAndroid - Android App

Related materials

System requirements

  • 1-3 servers

  • Everything can be installed on a single server

  • The test servers (RMBT and Websocket) should run on a physical machine

  • Base system Debian 9 or newer (or similar)

  • At least one static IPv4 address (IPv6 support recommended, more addresses allow to run more services on port 443)

    NOTE: other Linux distributions can also be used, but commands and package names may be different


For each server:

  1. Setup IP/DNS/hostname
  2. firewall (e.g. iptables)
  3. Install git
  4. Install and configure sshd
  5. Install and configure ntp
  6. dpkg-reconfigure locales (database requires en_US.UTF-8)
  7. dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
  8. Install and configure letsencrypt

Database Server

  1. Install:

    • postgresql (version 10 and higher)
    • postgresql-common
    • postgresql-contrib
    • postgis
    • postgresql-10-postgis-2.4
    • for quantile extension; Install:
      • devscripts
      • sudo
      • postgresql-server-dev-all (or ..-10)
      • pgxnclient
      • Run: pgxn install quantile
  2. Run:

    su - postgres
    createuser -lSRD rmbt     # (set db pass)
    createuser -lSRDP rmbt_control     # (set db pass)
    createuser -LSRD rmbt_group_control
    createuser -LSRD rmbt_group_read_only
    echo 'GRANT rmbt_group_read_only TO rmbt_group_control;' | psql
    echo 'GRANT rmbt_group_control TO rmbt_control;' | psql
    createdb -O rmbt rmbt
    # (additional users might be needed for replication and nagios)
    # if not using postgis 2.4, set the correct version
    #> sed -i "s/postgis-2\.4/postgis-X.Y/g rmbt.sql"
    cat rmbt.sql | psql rmbt -1
    cat rmbt_init.sql | psql rmbt -1

    (optional: add additional open databases, eg. Corine)

  3. Edit table "test_server"

    You need to add the test server key to the test_server table.

  4. Optimise postgres settings

    Check the values of

    • shared_buffers
    • work_mem
    • max_worker_processes
    • max_parallel_workers_per_gather
    • max_parallel_workers

Control-, Map- and StatisticServer

  1. Install:
  • Apache Tomcat 8 or higher
  • nginx (optional, highly recommended)
  • openjdk-8-jre (do not use a higher version)
  • libservlet3.1-java
  • Maxmind GeoLite2 database
  • Optional: For StatisticServer pdf export functionality
    • Prince or
    • Weasyprint. For weasyprint, install:
      • python3
      • python3-pip
      • run pip3 install weasyprint
  1. Edit /etc/tomcat8/context.xml (substitute parts with []), add to <Context>:

    For control server:

    <!-- [...] -->
       maxActive="200" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000"
       url="jdbc:postgresql://[db host]/rmbt"
       username="rmbt_control" password="[db r/w pass]"
       description="DB RW Connection" />
    <Parameter name="RMBT_SECRETKEY" value="[rmbt qos secret key]" override="false" />
    <!-- [...] -->

    For statistic/map servers:

    <!-- [...] -->
       maxActive="200" maxIdle="10" maxWait="10000"
       url="jdbc:postgresql://[db host]/rmbt"
       username="rmbt" password="[read only pass]"
       description="DB RO Connection" />
    <!-- [...] -->
  2. Build the servers

    The servers can be built with gradle:

    ./gradlew :RMBTControlServer:war :RMBTMapServer:war :RMBTStatisticServer:war

    The war files are then located in RMBT[Control|Map|Statistic]Server/build/lib.

  3. Copy RMBTControlServer.war, RMBTMapServer.war and/or RMBTStatisticServer.war to /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/

    In case the Java-Postgres connector is missing: Add the package libpostgresql-jdbc-java and restart tomcat8.

  4. Run service tomcat8 restart

  5. Optimize tomcat settings

    Check the values in /etc/default/tomcat8

    • JAVA_OPTS -Xmms MEM -Xmx MEM

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