
Extend Web3 functionality for Ebakus blockchain

Primary LanguageC


Extend Web3 functionality for Ebakus blockchain.



npm install --save web3-ebakus

In the Browser

Build running the following from the root folder of the repository:

npm run-script build

Then include lib/web3-ebakus.browser.js in your html file. This will expose the Web3Ebakus object on the window object.


  • Web3 ^1.2.0


import Web3Ebakus from 'web3-ebakus'
import Web3 from 'web3'

const web3 = Web3Ebakus(new Web3())

You can also have a look at the example page.



The suggestDifficulty queries the node for the suggested target difficulty needed for the PoW in order for a transaction to enter a block taking into account current congestion levels and address stake. The difficulty will be used in calculateWorkForTransaction.

  .then(difficulty => console.log(difficulty))

web3.eth.calculateWorkForTransaction(transaction, targetDifficulty, ctrlWorkForTransactionState, callback)

The calculateWorkForTransaction calculates the PoW needed for a transaction to enter a block by a block producer.

const tx = {
  /* transaction object */
web3.eth.calculateWorkForTransaction(tx, /* targetDifficulty */ 1).then(tx => {
  /* do something with tx */

is also available for Account objects, which is useful for chaining

The ctrlWorkForTransactionState and callback parameters are optional.

  • ctrlWorkForTransactionState: this is an object that will be populated with some useful methods when passed.

    • isRunning(): state of worker
    • getCurrentWorkNonce(): returns the current workNonce while worker is running
    • kill(): kills the worker


    let ctrl = {}
    // log worker state every 500ms
    const logger = setInterval(() => {
      console.log('isRunning', ctrl.isRunning())
      console.log('getCurrentWorkNonce', ctrl.getCurrentWorkNonce())
      // stop logging once worker finished
      if (!ctrl.isRunning()) {
    }, 500)
    // kill worker after 3seconds
    // setTimeout(() => {
    //   ctrl.kill();
    // }, 3000);
    web3.eth.calculateWorkForTransaction(transaction, 1, ctrl).then(tx => {
      /* do something with tx */
  • callback: you can read more here

web3.db.select(contractAddress, tableName, whereCondition, orderByColumn, blockNumber)

The db.select allows performing selects with conditions ordered by column name.

  • contractAddress: contract address that created the DB tables
  • tableName: table name
  • whereClause: where condition for finding an entry Supported conditions are "<", ">", "=", "==", "<=", ">=", "!=", "LIKE" Example use case: Phone = "555-1111" Id >= 3
  • orderClause: order clause for sorting the results using "ASC" or "DESC" Example use case: Phone DESC
  • blockNumber: block number to read from EbakusDB state. You can use latest string for fetching from latest block.
web3.db.select(contractAddress, tableName, whereCondition, orderByColumn, blockNumber)
  .then(iterator =>
    web3.db.next(iter).then(entry => console.log(entry)


The db.next returns the next result of the select performed through web3.db.select().

web3.db.get(contractAddress, tableName, whereCondition, orderByColumn, blockNumber)

The db.get allows fetching a single item. Check for its params at web3.db.select().

  .get(contractAddress, tableName, whereCondition, orderByColumn, blockNumber)
  .then(entry => console.log(entry))