
Create desktop wallpaper from the satellite landscapes extracted from Google Earth

Primary LanguagePython

Wahlpypa stylized logo with satellite landscape

Wahlpypa: Satellite Landscapes from Google Earth

Note: This project is a work in progress. However, it is a good starting point for getting the job done on macOS. There are many things that could be improved. Pull requests are welcome.

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install the dependencies
  3. Run the script

Setting up Automatically Changing Wallpapers in macOS

  1. Open 'System Preferences' from the  Apple menu
  2. Select 'Desktop & Screen Saver'
  3. Click the 'Desktop' tab and pick 'fill screen' from the dropdown
  4. Click the [+] button and add the /img directory from this repo
  5. Enable 'Change picture' and set a time interval
  6. Enable the 'Random order' checkbox for best results

Extra Credit

  1. Set the values in the config.ini file to your liking.
  2. Add a cron job to update the set of wallpaper images automatically.