
A collection or exhibition of various unusual and unique objects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a web application that converts CSV files to an API with search and filtering. It has been used to create a digital collection of artworks, but could be used for essentially any data that is described using a Data Package. Find out more on the Open Knowledge Blog.

Made with Frictionless Data, Flask, Bootstrap and PhotoSwipe.


  1. Install pipenv
  2. pipenv --python 3
  3. pipenv shell
  4. pipenv sync
  5. flask run
sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3-numpy
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3.6 env

Data refresh

To update the metadata, we run this script from the pipenv shell:

python collect.py

This script expects a data/WERKVERZEICHNIS.csv which is the UTF-8 encoded conversion of the source Excel file. It creates (or refreshes) a Data Package specification by inferring schema from the data using Data Package Pipelines.

The script also checks that images are present in the images folder. You may want to prepare the images first, if this is part of your use case. Otherwise, look at the source code to fit the process to your data.

Image collection

Use the convert.sh script to prepare an images folder with consistent formats (JPEG) and resolutions (720p).

Then use thumbs.sh to generate thumbnails.

The scripts skip any files that are already present, and can be used for updates.


In development, use:

env FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run

In production, something like:

gunicorn --log-level=info -w 4 -b :8000 app:app