Alliedium DevOps course 2022

01 DevOps introductory and virtualization 20220809

  • Virtualization: types, why to use
  • Hypervisors: types, which to choose
  • Proxmox: how does it work
  • Demo: how to create a VM on Proxmox

02 Containers-1 20220811

  • What is a Container
  • Why did Containers appear
  • Containers vs Virtual Machines
  • How Containers are used
  • Basic Concepts

03 Virtualization On Windows And ZFS 20220816

ZFS (Zettabyte file system)

  • History, Advantages, Limitations
  • Features: Pooled Storage, Copy-on-write, Snapshots

04a ZFS-2 20220818

ZFS Features

  • Data integrity verification and automatic repair
  • RAID handling
  • Deduplication, Compression


04b Containers-2 20220818

  • Some Tools (LXC, Docker, Kubernetes, Podman)

05 Docker Basic Commands 20220823

  • Managing images and containers
  • Demo: run PostgreSQL in a container, connect via psql from host

06 ProxMox2 SSH backup 20220825

  • LVM Disk resize
  • Setting access via SSH
  • Backup and Restore

07 Docker Best Practices 1 20220830

  • Dockerfile instructions
  • Image parameterization
  • Example 1: Simple Spring Boot application in a container with multi-stage build
  • Example 2: pgAdmin in a container

08 Docker Best Practices 2 20220906

  • Multistage builds
  • Example 1: Simple Spring Boot application improved
  • Example 2: Dockerfile of pytorch
  • Example 3: Python dependencies in a separate image parameterized by hash
  • Example 4: CMD vs ENTRYPOINT
  • Example 5: Isolation of containers by user-defined network
  • Example 6: Put ca-certificates into base image, parameterize the image by certificates hash

09 Lvm Storage ssh Systemd cloud-init 20220908

  • LVM extend with additional PV
  • Alternative to resize2fs for XFS
  • Different Storage Types
  • systemd: how to create your own service
  • Timers for fstrim
  • SSH ciphers
  • Cloud-Init
  • Proxmox Command Line
  • Ansible
  • Terraform

10 Network part 1 20220913

  • Hosts
  • IP Address, Network, Repeater, Hub, Bridge, Switch, Router
  • OSI and TCP/IP model
  • How packets move through a network
  • Protocols

11 Kubernetes development basic tools 20220915

Kubernetes deployment types

  • in the cloud (EKS, AKS, GKE)

  • prod-like on-prem / on bare metal (k0s, k3s, rke, rke2, kubespray, kubeadm, etc.)

  • local (k3s, k3d, Kind, MicroK8S, Minikube, Docker Desktop, Rancher Desktop)

  • Kubernetes development tools (k3d, kubectl + krew, vscode + plugin)

  • Demo: managing clusters, contexts, namespaces. Running an app in a pod.

12 Network part 2 20220920

  • Practice (nmtui, nmcli, arp, ip route)
  • DNS (Root level domain, Top level domains, Second level domains, Recursive and Caching, Forwarding)
  • TLS/SSL (what is, how protects data, CA)
  • Hashing, Data integrity
  • Encryption (asymmetric, symmetric; algorithms, public and private keys)
  • How SSL/TLS uses Cryptography

13 Container orchestration Kubernetes basics 1 20220922

  • Kubernetes development tools (code-server, k9s, openlens)
  • Display Kubernetes current context in zsh command separator

14 Container orchestration Kubernetes basics 2 20220927

Deployment variants of Spring Boot Application with PostgerSQL database

  • Example 1. Single pod with sidecar, ephemeral volume
  • Example 2. Two pods, database in ephemeral volume

15 From network fundamentals to SDN implementation in Proxmox part 3 20220929

  • Https, Certificates (DSA,CA, Cipher Suites, HSTS, SSL certificates)
  • Demo: SSL termination with self-signed certificate

16 Network part 4 20221004

  • Demo: SSL termination with self-signed certificate (ending)

17 Network part 4-1 20221006

  • Demo: configure in opnsense plugin nginx for load balancing
  • ACME protocol
  • Demo: SSL termination with public certificate, using ACME and Route53

18 Container orchestration Kubernetes basics 3 20221011

Deployment variants of Spring Boot Application with PostgerSQL database

  • Example 3. Added services and persistence via PVC
  • Example 4. ReplicaSets, Readiness and Liveness probes

19 Container orchestration Kubernetes basics 4 20221013

Deployment variants of Spring Boot Application with PostgerSQL database

  • Example 5. Deployment, StatefulSet, ConfigMap, Secret

Backup jobs configuration variants

  • Example 6. Simple job with Minio S3 storage

20 Container orchestration Kubernetes basics 5 20221018

Backup jobs configuration variants

  • Example 7a. CronJob with Localstack AWS S3 Bucket
  • Example 7b. CronJob with real AWS S3 Bucket

Installing useful tools in Kubernetes

  • Example 8. Installing pgAdmin

21 Container orchestration Kubernetes basics 6 20221020

Using already existing Helm charts and operators

  • Example 9. Installing PostgreSQL with metrics view via Grafana

22 VLANs with examples part 1 20221025

  • Network virtualization, VLANs
  • Example: Proxmox cluster with three VLANs for VMs and separate VLAN for Proxmox nodes

23 VLANs with examples part 2 20221027

  • Example: Proxmox cluster with three VLANs for VMs and separate VLAN for Proxmox nodes (ending)
  • SDN VLAN setup
  • Cloud-init scripts

24 VLANs with examples part 3 20221101

  • resolv.conf & netplan - correct network configuration setup on ubuntu
  • Cloud-Init regenerate image & CLI
  • SSH StrictHostKeyChecking
  • Customize VMs via libguestfs-tools: virt-customize
  • Example: Hyper-V with three VLANs for VMs and separate VLAN for Proxmox nodes

25 Container orchestration Kubernetes basics 7 (beginning) 20221101

  • Operators and Custom Resource Definitions
  • Adding nodes to k3d cluster
  • Step 1 of Example 10. Installing scalable PostgreSQL via Kubernetes operator

26 Container orchestration Kubernetes basics 7 20221103

  • CRDs and Custom Resources
  • PostgreSQL High Availability
  • How to create a Helm Chart from manifests
  • Steps from 2 to 7 of Example 10. Installing scalable PostgreSQL via Kubernetes operator

27 Container orchestration Kubernetes basics 8 20221108

  • Testing Helm chart
  • Helm templates, template functions and pipelines
  • Packaging Helm chart with versioning, upgrading Helm release to a new revision, rolling back to an old revision
  • Installing PGAdmin4 via Helm chart
  • Steps from 7 to 12 of Example 10. Installing scalable PostgreSQL via Kubernetes operator

28 Kubernetes, Setting-up-k3s-prod-like 1 20221110

  • Create in Proxmox new VM, install OPNsense and convert to template

29 Kubernetes, Setting up k3s prod-like 1 20221110

  • Clone vm from opnsense-template, configuring OPNsense - adding firewall rules and setup nginx - Load Balancer
  • Create in Proxmox node vms via Alliedium devops-course-2022 scripts
  • Create manual in Proxmox node vm using cloud-init image

30 Kubernetes, Setting up k3s prod-like 2 20221115

  • Add IP route on router or workstation for subnet
  • Install k3sup on k3s-config VM
  • Install k3s cluster via k3sup, in OpenLens open k3s cluster
  • Add Longhorn repository and install longhorn chart in k3s cluster

31 Kubernetes, Setting up k3s prod-like 3 20221117

  • Install WSL, chocolatey on Windows, kubectl, krew, ns, ctx, konfig, using konfig
  • Kubernetes performance testing using kubernetes-iperf3
  • Automatic upgrades/downgrades kubernetes cluster via k3s-Automated Upgrades
  • Creating in Hyper-V vms via Hyper-V-Automation scripts, configure OPNsense network interface port as trunk

32 Kubernetes, Setting up k3s prod-like, still not production ready? Part 5 20221122

  • SLA,
  • High Availability
  • WAF
  • Certificates
  • Kubernetes garbage collection
  • K8s distributions
  • Hardening
  • Load balancers and Ingress
  • Cloud Native Ecosystem
  • Persistent Storage
  • Backups
  • Private artifacts repositories
  • Autoscaling

33 Ansible basic concepts & simple examples part 1 20221124

  • Install ansible
  • Create inventory: hosts, groups, variables
  • Commands: ansible-inventory, ansible, ansible-playbook
  • Ansible tasks, gathering facts
  • Ansible modules: ping, debug, apt, pacman, command
  • Understanding privilege escalation: become
  • Ansible conditionals
  • Create training environment of several VMs within Proxmox node, both using cloud-init (Ubuntu, Arch)

34 Ansible basic concepts & simple examples part 2 20221129

  • Create training environment of several VMs within Proxmox node, both using cloud-init (Ubuntu, Arch) & manually (Manjaro)
  • Configuring and establishing SSH connection
  • Installing packages depending on host type: package, cloud_init_data_facts and stat modules
  • Debugger for ansible playbooks
  • Registering new variables in playbook, return values
  • Variables in inventory, templates in tasks, hostname module
  • Regular expressions, replace module

35 Nexus intro and basic config part 1 20221201

  • Learned about Nexus analogues (Amazon ECR, Harbor, Chartmuseum, local Arch linux repo)
  • Covered Installation methods: via package manager, manual, docker, kubernetes
  • Backup and restore of Nexus instance
  • Post-install steps: Nexus directories, anonymous access & local authorizing realm, setup and applying cleanup policies, Cleanup tasks setup

36 Ansible basic concepts & simple examples part 3 20221206

  • Using group_vars and host_vars, variables' precedence
  • Asking for sudo password: -K/--ask-sudo-pass argument for ansible-playbook command
  • wait_for_connection module
  • Command module
  • Why do we need qemu-guest-agent
  • What is snapd and why we get rid of it
  • What is a role in Ansible
  • Installing a role from ansible-galaxy (GitHub, GitLab)
  • Installing multiple roles using requirements.yml
  • Using roles in playbooks
  • What is an NTP server
  • Converting bash scripts into ansible playbooks
  • Editing sudoers
  • Package module
  • What is yay

37 Nexus intro and basic config part 2 20221208

  • How to run Nexus in as Docker container without docker-compose
  • Which scheduled tasks should be setup in Nexus initially
  • How to setup properly Docker Proxy repository in Nexus
  • What does HTTP connector means for Docker repositories in Nexus
  • How to setup properly Docker Hosted repository in Nexus and what it is used for
  • How to setup properly Docker Group repository in Nexus and what it is used for
  • How to setup Docker tool in local system to interact with Nexus
  • How to create user roles and assign them to users in order to give limited access for contributing into particular Nexus repositories
  • How to Pull from Docker-group repository and Push to Docker-hosted repository in Nexus with examples
  • How to check Nexus logs (if it's up in Docker)
  • How to inspect and cleanup system via ncdu
  • How to setup Kubernetes cluster to refer to Nexus docker images (k3s configuration, k3d configuration)
  • How to interact with containerd images via crictl
  • How to setup properly Helm Proxy repository in Nexus and what it is used for
  • How to setup properly Helm Hosted repository in Nexus and what it is used for
  • How to use nelm-nexus-push addon for Nexus to push Helm charts avoiding curl

41 Nexus intro and basic config part 3 20221216

  • How to setup Maven Proxy, Maven Hosted and Maven Group repositories in Nexus
  • How to configure settings.xml and pom.xml so that Maven can refer to Nexus repositories
  • How to configure Gradle to use Nexus Maven repositories
  • How to setup Conda Proxy repository in Nexus
  • What is Conda environments, how to use them
  • How to configure Conda-based tools (e.g. Micromamaba) to use Nexus Prosy repository
  • How to setup npm Proxy, npm Hosted and npm Group repositories in Nexus
  • How to configure npm client to use Nexus - pull and push examples
  • How to workaround npm audit calls
  • How to setup Pypi Proxy, Pypi Hosted and npm Pypi repositories in Nexus
  • How to configure pip (and other tools e.g. twine) to use Nexus
  • How to package Python project before pushing
  • What is Realworld projects
  • How to setup Apt Proxy and Apt Hosted repositories in Nexus
  • How to configure client side to use Apt repositories from Nexus
  • How to add Ansible format to list of supported formats in Nexus
  • How to add S3 blobstore to Nexus